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Gospel Expansion in Colombia and Beyond!

Thankful for the Lord’s Answer to Prayer

Manizales, Colombia

I just returned from Colombia and Peru. I greatly appreciate your prayers for my trip and opportunities to minister there. The Lord answered and I’m overwhelmed by God’s love and all that I see him doing.
My time in these two countries was special on numerous fronts. I was able to spend time with and minister to some people that Dawn and I have come to love. A number of the people I shared the gospel with responded and the Lord gave me the opportunity to pray with people and see them give their lives to Christ. It was also enjoyable to participate in meetings with a number of church planting and missions organizations represented to plan, pray and strategize on reaching key cities in Latin America.

Colombia and Luis & Kerly

Dave & Dawn with Luis & Kerly in May of 2018. Kerly was pregnant with their second son, Neythan, who was born in June of 2018

The Lord blessed Dawn and me richly through our relationship with Luis and Kerly, who live in Manizales, Colombia. We first met them when they were living near us in Ensenada, Mexico. Dawn and I had the opportunity to visit them last year in Manizales and I thought it would be a while before we could return. Luis and Kerly have become like family to us, and they hold a dear place in our hearts.
Dawn wasn’t able to accompany me on this trip, because she is taking care of her mom at home. It’s a new phase and a season for us in life and ministry.

The Gospel Changes Lives

Luis on the far left and Kerly in the red shirt holding Neythan, their other son, David is to the right of Kerly with their family

On this particular trip, I met Luis’ family for the first time. His dad, Roberto, brother, Christian, sister-in-law, Angi and niece, Daniela. They came to stay with Luis and Kerly for a few days. Luis asked me to share my testimony with them.
I enjoy telling others about how Jesus changed my life, and how they can have a personal relationship with the Lord. Our story now includes the pain of our daughter, Hannah’s early home going, and the hope we have to see her again one day soon. I believe part of Hannah’s legacy is the many people we’ve been able to talk to about the hope of something greater beyond this world. Our hope of the world to come!
After I explained the importance of Christ’s work for us on the cross and how he made it possible for us to be forgiven and to become a part of his family, I asked them if they would like to pray with me.
They all agreed to pray with me!
I find most people I meet are open to at least have someone pray for them, and many are willing to pray with me when I ask them. They confessed their sins and their need for a savior. I encouraged them to forgive whoever they felt they needed to forgive and that was a special time as well. Then we went on to pray to break off in Jesus name any strongholds the enemy had over them, because of witchcraft and any involvement with any evil spirits.
Dawn and I have found in Latin America especially, although it is true in the U.S. as well, that it’s important to deal with witchcraft and evil spirits. The majority of the people we talk to in Latin America have either been involved in some form of witchcraft or someone in their family has. I’m grateful for the power that there is in the cross. Jesus breaks strongholds and through his sacrifice, he forgives us and removes our sin as far as the east is from the west. There is power in the blood of Christ!

Prayer and the Peace of God!

One of the many hummingbirds in the beautiful setting of Manizales, Colombia

After we prayed I asked them how they felt, and they said they felt peace. That was a life-giving time for all of us. Luis then shared and encouraged them to grow in their faith, and he talked about how he wanted to support them in following Jesus. It was a truly beautiful time!
Manizales is a beautiful city set in the mountains in Colombia. It’s near where they grow and cultivate delicious coffee. There is also a huge variety of hummingbirds in that part of Colombia. I never knew there were so many different kinds of hummingbirds.
Dawn and I began to pray a few years ago that the Lord would expand our borders and open the doors for us to minister beyond Mexico, and we are seeing him answer this prayer. From Colombia I flew to Lima, Perú and the Lord surprised me again with open doors and all the opportunities in Lima. I hope to write more about my time in Lima in my next post.
Thanks so much for standing with us in prayer! It is thrilling to see how the Lord is so faithful to hear us and answer our prayers.
In His Grip, Dave