God is Building HIs Church in Oaxaca

It’s so good when the churches we are planting thrive! It’s wonderful to see God at work building his church. Dawn and I give thanks for the amazing work that the Lord is doing through Pastor Eliel and Jessica Osorio in Oaxaca, Mexico. Pastor Eliel and his wife, Jessica are doing a marvelous job leading the church. They launched their public worship services in September of 2021, and the church just took off. I just talked to Eliel this week and he told me that they’ve had 80 or more attending their church services this year. It’s so encouraging to see the Lord changing lives and using Pastor Eliel and the team he has put together.
Eli Osorio Moved to Heaven on January, 1st

2023 began in a painful way for Eliel and Jessica. Just days after Christmas Eliel’s dad, Eli suffered a massive stroke. The doctors operated and thought there was hope for Eli, but after a valiant battle Eli moved to heaven on January 1, 2023. Eliel was very close to his father, and it’s been hard on him and on his family to have to say goodbye. Soon after Eli moved to heaven they found a cancerous growth on Eliel’s mom, Maria’s face. Maria had surgery just a few weeks ago, and the prognosis is very positive. Pray for Eliel and their family as they adjust to life without Eli. Maria has now moved in with Eliel and Jessica, so that they can take care of her. The Osorio’s are going through a difficult season with much change.
We’ve noticed that our church planters and their families often get attacked. It’s a good reminder of how important it is to be lifting each of them up in prayer as they invade the enemy’s territory. We know that our God is greater than he who is in the world, but as Paul says in Ephesians 6 we are in a spiritual battle. It seems like the battle is fiercest for those working on the front lines. Your prayers for them are essential.
The Church is Growing

Eliel told me that the place they are renting for their Sunday services holds 110 people, but it begins to feel cramped when they have that many people. They are praying about whether they need to go to two services or find a bigger place to meet. You can pray with us for that need. I told Eliel, “well, this a good problem to have, when you are outgrowing your meeting place.” We are praying with them that they can find some property to purchase and begin to build so that they have a bigger and more permanent place to meet.
I put together a short video that will give you a better idea of the wonderful work God is doing as He builds His church in Oaxaca.
Video: Lives are being Transformed by Jesus in Oaxaca
Join us in Prayer for the church in Oaxaca

- Pray for Pastor Eliel & Jessica Osorio as they lead the church plant
- Pray for them as they raise up and develop leaders
- Pray for the new people that they are discipling
- Pray for the Lord to provide property to build a church
- You can give to this church planting project by clicking the button below
Your gift will allow us to accomplish the God-given vision to impact Oaxaca for generations to come. Make a Donation Today.

Thank you for joining us in prayer, and for considering making a gift today!
In His Grip, Dave
P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond
By Don grabow
David te hecho de menos hermano. Gracias para compartir sobre ellos . He sido orando para este familia hace varias meces. Me encanta Oaxaca y mi corazón duele por los que no conocen nuestro señor allí. Gracias por lo que hagas
By Ddiaso
Thank you for the encouragement. Oaxaca is a beautiful place
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