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The Expansion of the Church into Baja

Peter and Jenny Boling are in the middle with Dawn and Dave and Yolanda's mom on the left and Sophie (our intern), Yolanda and Daniel and Camila Nuñez on the right
Peter and Jenny Boling (middle) with Dawn and Dave and Yolanda’s mom (left) and Sophie (our summer intern – middle right), Yolanda and Daniel and Camila Nuñez (right)

One of the things that I’m most excited about as I look back on 2013 is the expansion of our team and missions presence. The Lord opened the door for us to begin working with Peter and Jenny Boling!
They are missionaries with Mission to the World (MTW). Peter and Jenny were ministering in Bogotá, Colombia, but they felt God tugging at their hearts and calling them to Los Cabos in Baja California.
Dawn and I are thrilled to work alongside the Bolings, and have them join our team. The only complication I’ve had is that I’ve called our team the San Diego-Tijuana team, so now we have to adjust some 🙂 . Although I always thought of it as San Diego-Tijuana and beyond!

God’s Answer for More Workers and Ministry Expansion

A map of Baja California Sur Municipalities hi...
A map of Baja California Sur Municipalities highlighting Los Cabos. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s thrilling to have more workers, which is one of the answers to prayer that we’ve seen this past year. We are so excited to see our missionary force expanding! Lord, please continue your work and send even more laborers.
Peter and Jenny moved to Los Cabos in September, and they are already connecting with ministries at the tip of Baja. The Bolings are caring and loving servants, who are full of grace. I believe that the Lord will use them in a powerful way in 2014 and into the future.
Peter was saved out of a gangs and a wayward life. This has given him a tremendous platform to minister to those that are caught up in a lifestyle of drug addiction, alcohol and gang warfare. One of the ministries that Peter has connected with has an effective outreach to those in gangs. Many gang members are coming to Christ and growing in their faith.
The Lord set the Bolings up in 2013, which allows us to be in prime position to start a new church planting project in La Paz in mid-2014. It’s amazing to see how the Lord brings things together.

Join Us In Prayer for the Bolings & the New Church Plant

Peter Boling sharing his testimony at Fuente de Vida mission
Peter Boling sharing his testimony at Fuente de Vida mission

We appreciate your prayers for Peter and Jenny as we begin to work on this new project. The Bolings are still in the process of getting rolling themselves. One of the things we still need is a Mexican National church planter to lead the project. We hope to identify one by the end of March.
Pray that the Lord will bring all the loose pieces together. Our desire is to honor him and see people won to Christ through this new church. Those that come into the church will become mature followers of Jesus, and as the Lord brings the increase we will see more churches started.
I feel that we need a lot of wisdom as we set the church plant up. There are a number of things that still need to fall in place.
Please join us in lifting these needs up to the Lord!
In HIs Grip, Dave



  • By Anissa "Li'l Bit" Mathias
    Posted January 2, 2014 at 9:11 am

    I love to read your posts. You do very good work. The Lord has blessed you many times over. <3

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted January 2, 2014 at 9:58 am

      Thanks for your encouragement. May the Lord richly bless you in 2014!

  • By oneintercessor
    Posted January 2, 2014 at 9:23 am

    Awesome! Happy New Year! God bless, Ann

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