Faithful to Pray for Our Needs

Much to my chagrin, I found out recently that I need to have surgery on my prostate. Dawn and I told the pastors that we work with in the US, Mexico and Cuba and they all have been concerned for us. They are praying that God will heal me. Some of the pastors have called me and prayed for me via phone or video calls. It encourages us a great deal that so many people love us, and they show it through their faithful prayers.
Our friends in Cuba are some of our most faithful prayer warriors. They’ve had to live with so little. Every time I talk to them things are worse than the last time. Prices continue to climb, and they are often without electricity. They can go anywhere from 5 hours to 20 hours without electricity during these very hot summer months.
The Church is Growing and Lives are Being Transformed

One of my friends, *Ernesto called me recently and he told me how they are faithfully praying and fasting. He shared some wonderful news about how the gospel is advancing. They have shared the gospel with more than 120 people and 34 of them have given their lives to Christ and they are now involved in discipleship.
One of the people that came to Christ is *Hilda. God brought Hilda out of witchcraft, which is very common on the Big Island. She was without hope until she found Christ. Her dad recently passed away, but God set her free and He is helping her get through this trial. Now she is faithfully worshipping the Lord and serving in the church.
God’s Faithfulness to Sustain His People

Another woman, *Diana was involved in a serious accident in her home, and her two year old son was completely burned. A few days after the accident he passed away. Instead of blaming God she’s looked to Him to strengthen her as she walks through the valley of the shadow of death. It is not easy, but the Lord is comforting Diana and He is strengthening her.
Ernesto thanked me for the financial support that we have sent them which allows for people in his church to buy food and basic needs. Last year they were able to buy a piano for their worship services. Before they worshipped without any musical instruments. They also bought nine benches so that people had a place to sit during their worship services. I always wish we could send more, but I’m encouraged by how the offerings that we are sending go so far in helping them.
Pray for Our Familia

Prayer in one of the churches that we partner with. Our familia is committed to pray!
One of the other pastors that we are working with on the Big Island, *Rolando said, “thank you very much for your prayer support for all of the challenges that we are facing. We pray that God will give us wisdom and strength to continue advancing the Kingdom of God on the Big Island. We also ask for protection for each pastor in our country, we know that the times are difficult. Another prayer need we have is to ask God to provide workers for the harvest. Every day it’s harder to find people willing to serve the Lord.”
“We want to deeply thank you for all the love and support for the advance of the Kingdom of God on the Big Island. God is using all of you who are praying and supporting us financially to participate in the good work of the gospel. You are participating in all that God is doing and will do in the future in our country.” Praise the Lord for His marvelous work!
*(The names have been changed for security reasons)
Extend Your Hands to Help Our Familia

We are still sending funds every month to help the pastors and families on the Big Island. We would like to raise $18,000 this year to cover these needs.
Since the COVID-19 hit in March 2020, we’ve been able to help more than 2,000 people in 9 different cities, because of the generous gifts of many friends like you.
It is true that we will not be able to help the more than 11 million people on the Big Island. It is a nation with tremendous needs that are difficult to meet, but where your feet cannot reach, your prayers can reach! Your offerings of love can reach!
God is working on the Big Island. You can be part of a team in the hands of God, and TOGETHER we can make a difference! Pray with us and extend your hands to help our familia. Make a Donation Today.
Thank you for your prayers and for your support for this work on the Big Island!

Video: A Tale of Two Cities
Thank you for joining us in prayer, and for considering making a gift to help our precious familia.
In His Grip, Dave
P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond