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God Comes Through Again!

Good Times in La Morita

Dave preaching at Ministerios Transformation in La Morita Tijuana
Dave preaching at Ministerios Transformation in La Morita Tijuana

Car problems, healing and friends that’s what made up our Sunday afternoon. Apart from the car problems it was an inspiring time.
Dawn, David Jr. and Hannah joined me in Tijuana as we ministered at Pastor Jaime Rodriguez’s church in La Morita. Jaime invited me to preach, and I loved the opportunity to have my family with me. Great prayer and moral support!
I loved the opportunity to preach on our identity in Christ. Too often Christians listen to the lies of the enemy.
Just as God loves us and has a wonderful plan and purpose for us, the devil hates us and has a horrible plan for our life. Therefore, as Paul says we need to stand firm and put on the armor of God.
Much of our battle is in the mind. The enemy of our soul is an accuser and he is the Father of lies. Remember the gospel – preach the gospel to yourself. Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
As we engage in the battle and remember to repent often, and be quick to ask forgiveness God brings healing. I pray we will see more and more believers receiving the Lord’s healing touch.

Praying for God’s Healing Touch

Praying with and for our friends in La Morita
Praying with and for our friends in La Morita

After the sermon Dawn, Hannah and I had the opportunity to pray for a number of people in the church. It was so encouraging to see the Lord minister in a deep way to the people.
I love being able to minister with my family. It was especially gratifying to see Hannah jump right up and join Dawn and me in praying for the people. Many of them had tears in their eyes as they shared their needs and we led them in prayer. Thank you Jesus for unleashing your Spirit on us as we cried out to you!

Outstanding Friends & Car Troubles

On the way home our car started making these scary noises. I got out and looked, but I couldn’t see anything. The sound was metal scrapping on metal. It was somewhat nerve-wracking. I didn’t really know what to do.
I tried to call Jaime, but I wasn’t able to get through to him. I wondered who else I could call? Who else could help us? I decided to call a couple other pastor friends, Mario Perez and Abraham Velazquez. Both of them came to give us a hand.
It was so comforting to know that we have friends we can count on when we are in need. I mean we felt stuck. Not only wasn’t our car working, but I wondered how are we going to be able to cross the border and get back home.
We prayed and our friends checked the car out. After we prayed the metal scrapping dissipated. Abraham’s dad helped us look the car over and make sure that we could get back home safely. After driving the car around, and looking it over he felt like it was running well enough to make it. So we did literally make a run for the border.
We are victorious in Christ! The Lord gave us a wonderful time ministering at the church and he increased our faith through our friends and our car. Rejoice with us!
In His Grip, Dave