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Global Missions #GMC17: Find Your This

Find Your This

Our MTWMexico team at our booth (about half of our team is pictured here)
Our MTWMexico team at our booth (about half of our team is pictured here)

Once every three years Mission to the World (MTW) has a national missions conference called, Global Missions Conference #GMC17. This past weekend Dawn and I participated in the GMC in Dallas, Texas. There were close to 2,000 people there including 450 missionaries.
The theme for the conference was “Find Your This”.
MTW MEXICO was well represented. Almost all of our missionaries from Mexico attended, including some of our national partners. Our team made an outstanding display for our booth. I was blown away by how good it looked, which helped us to attract attention. We not only had a beautiful booth, but our Mexican partners made homemade salsa, so we had chips and salsa at our booth as well.

Send More Workers, Lord!

All of this hard work on our presentation made for a wonderful backdrop on our conversations with many people who are interested in Mexico. Some of them already know us, some of them are interested in getting involved in one way or another. One of our prayers is for more workers.
Lord, send us more partners and more workers!

God is on the Move in Mexico

Dave speaking at our seminar on Mexico at the conference
Dave speaking at our seminar on Mexico at the conference

I had the opportunity to give a seminar at the conference to encourage people there to consider Mexico. I enjoy the opportunity to share about God’s call on our lives to serve the people of Mexico and to ask people to join us.
It saddens me to see all the negative news coming out about our neighbor. Yes, there are still many challenges, many needs, many hills to climb in reaching Mexico with the gospel. There is much work to do and a huge need for more laborers. Yet, despite all the bad news, God is on the move.
I pray along with Dawn and our team for a renewed Mexico as the gospel so thoroughly impacts every corner of the society as the waters cover the sea.
We must not forget what primary task is. As missionaries, we are not called to build walls, if anything we are called to tear down spiritual strongholds and to build bridges for the gospel.

  • We are ambassadors for Christ.
  • We represent a different kingdom.
  • We are people of the Lamb.
    • The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!
Rejoicing in the Work the Lord is Doing!

MTW Mexico Display
MTW Mexico Display

I thank the Lord for all the churches that have been planted since we began our work. These churches in cities like, Mexico City, Guadalajara, Acapulco, Monterrey, Durango, Juarez, Reynosa, Tijuana, and Ensenada represent lives changed and transformed by the gospel. How can we not praise the Lord for his good work!?!
We give thanks for you!
Wow! What a blessing to have friends like you praying with us, and encouraging us along the way. Thank you, Jesus!
Our MTW MEXICO team just launched a new website to represent our work in Mexico. You can find the website on this link:
Continue to pray with us that the Lord raises up more laborers for the harvest field.
In His Grip, Dave