David, Hannah and Jon having some fun!
One of the wonderful things about this time of year is taking some pause to be thankful for the gifts God has given us.
I’m reminded of the gift of my family. I mentioned in some of my recent posts Trials and Tears, and Trials and Tears: Part Two, Answers the challenge we went through with our daughter, Hannah and our son, Jon. I’m grateful to be on the other side of Hannah’s car accident, and Jonathan’s eye surgery.
This last week Hannah has been with us to celebrate Thanksgiving. The first time we’ve had all three kids with us for three years. It’s been wonderful being together.
One of the things that gives Dawn and me great joy is that our kids get along well. They genuinely care for one another.
David & Jonathan – Loving Brothers
David was there to support Jon before and after the surgery. Jonathan was so grateful that he wrote a thank you tribute to David on Facebook. He also added some promo for his brother at the end ;).
Jon said the following about his brother David,
David & Jon have always been close
I have the most amazing brother in the world. He’s always been there for me when I need him the most. I was discussing with him the other day the blessing of our friendship. All the kind words, the encouragement and the cards that he made me after surgery. He’s amazing! I am so blessed! I love you tiki Brohan! Ladies, he’s a great guy and he won’t be single forever. get on it!
We always prayed that our boys would have a David and Jonathan type relationship. God has blessed us with two wonderful young men who love Jesus and look out for one another.
Actually all three of the kids get along very well. Dawn and I feel very blessed.
Praise God for His Renewing Work
I give thanks to the Lord for working in the heart of David, Jon and Hannah. His grace has entered in and transformed their lives. The renewing work of the gospel is evident as they grow in Christ. Dave, Hannah and Dawn
I also praise the Lord for giving me such a wonderful wife, who put her heart and soul into raising three children who love the Lord. I know that they wouldn’t have turned out as well without her labor of love!
My kids are still a work in progress like each of us, but God is committed to completing what he started in them . I love the promise the Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 1:6,
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
This gives me great hope, in a world that seeks to knock us down!
In His Grip, Dave DiasoLifeOnTheBorder.org
You’re right about family being such a blessing…and also that they’re works in progress. Our daughters are both amazing young women, yet so very different. Fortunately, they also get along well and each other. That makes me look forward to everyone being home for Christmas even more!
By Ray Call
December 3, 2013 at
9:01 am
Praise the Lord. What a blessing!
By diasolifeontheborder
December 3, 2013 at
11:13 pm
I agree – singing praises to the King of Kings!
By diasolifeontheborder
December 3, 2013 at
11:08 pm
It takes faith to let them go, and watch them grow in Christ. I pray daily that the Lord will give me the faith I need to trust him with my kids.
By barbarastanley
December 5, 2013 at
1:43 pm
What a beautiful tribute! Family is everything. Praise God.
By sustainabilitea
You’re right about family being such a blessing…and also that they’re works in progress. Our daughters are both amazing young women, yet so very different. Fortunately, they also get along well and each other. That makes me look forward to everyone being home for Christmas even more!
By Ray Call
Praise the Lord. What a blessing!
By diasolifeontheborder
I agree – singing praises to the King of Kings!
By diasolifeontheborder
It takes faith to let them go, and watch them grow in Christ. I pray daily that the Lord will give me the faith I need to trust him with my kids.
By barbarastanley
What a beautiful tribute! Family is everything. Praise God.
By diasolifeontheborder
Thank you – God is good!
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