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Free Indeed, Free At Last!

Victor & Sol’s Story of Grace

Victor & Sol Bravo
Victor & Sol Bravo

Dawn and I loved the time we spent this last week with Lo Mejor del Trigo’s newest church planting couple, Victor and Sol Bravo. They are a wonderful young couple with an amazing testimony.
Victor shared how he found himself in prison while he was working with recovering drug addicts. The police accused him of something he hadn’t done, because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time while helping rehabbing drug addicts.

The Pain of Prison

While Victor was in prison he was abused and the prison conditions were horrible. Meanwhile, the church Victor ministered at was faithfully praying for his release. Sol who had met Victor briefly at the church wrote him a letter to encourage him. They didn’t really know each other yet, but the letter was a great source of encouragement to Victor.
He faced the potential of being in prison 6 to 9 years! The church kept praying and fasting, and they had a lawyer working on the case.

Free At Last!

Finally, after much prayer and the work of the lawyers Victor was found innocent and released from prison. The Lord set Victor free!
Once he got out of prison he and Sol got to know one another through their church. Sol has a Masters in psychology. They seemed like an unlikely couple.  At the time Victor wasn’t working, he had just gotten out of prison and Sol had thought she would marry a doctor or someone who had a professional degree. Yet God has a way of surprising us!
The Lord doesn’t always work in conventional ways. Sol and Victor were married, and God is building into their lives and their family.

Free to Share the Good News of the Gospel

The foundation has been laid for the church #24 in Rosarito near Tijuana
The foundation has been laid for the church #24 in Rosarito near Tijuana

God has already opened some amazing doors for them to minister. In March we will be helping them to start a new church in Rosarito, which is just south of Tijuana.
Victor and Sol are wonderful, choice servants of the Lord. Dawn and I feel privileged to be able to work with them. We can’t wait to see how the Lord will use them in this new church.
Pray with us as the Lord goes before us and brings this work together. We look forward to seeing the community radically transformed by the gospel.
Thank you Jesus for our friends, Victor and Sol Bravo! Thank you for your good and holy work.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted January 19, 2015 at 8:05 am

    What a wonderful story! Praise God. We’ve seen the results of people whose lives were completely changed through coming to know and accept Christ, even if they’ve dealt drugs, murdered, or been in prison and those results are incredible.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted January 19, 2015 at 6:21 pm

      Yes – Victor’s story is really amazing. Part of the reason he was ministering to rehabbing drug addicts is that he himself is a former addict. Dawn and I were amazed and encouraged by Victor and Sol story and God’s breakthrough in their lives.

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