Nothing Can Stop the Advance of the Gospel

In our ministry we seek to fulfill the Great Commission that Christ gave his followers. We primarily do that through starting new churches in Mexico and on the Big Island. It’s interesting to me that in spite of all the lack of food, basic needs and medicine on the Big Island the church continues to grow. It might have slowed down in some areas, because of all of the restrictions placed on the people. Yet, in other areas it is growing.
Pastor Lucas and his wife, Maria wrote the following to us, “so far this year, despite the pandemia, and many crises that we have faced, these statistics are the result of the work of the church.” Then they went on to share some of the jaw dropping statistics. Through their ministry they shared the gospel with 12,326, and 7,396 made professions of faith! They’ve divided these new people up into 11 territories and each territory has 6 house churches. That’s 66 new churches! The people worship the Lord, they are discipled and equipped in these house churches. The new believers have become an instrument in the Lord’s hands to bring new people, their family and their friends to church.
Wow! Praise the Lord! God is so good and so faithful!
Despite all the challenges we see that it has not stopped the advance of the gospel.

Pastor Ronaldo’s Open Letter
Our friend *Ronaldo recently wrote me, and gave me an update about the situation on the Big Island.
My beloved brothers, first of all we want to thank God for his faithfulness, his promises and care through these complex times.
At the family level we can tell you that we are doing well despite the crises that our nation faces, God has been faithful and provides what is necessary every day. While we see God’s faithfulness it is also true that our nation is going through a deep economic, political, and social crisis. The sense of uncertainty and depression continues to increase; Unfortunately, in people’s minds, it is becoming increasingly difficult to think of a decent future in the medium and long term; sadly many people live without hope of a better future, and the option of emigrating from the country.
Faced with all this bad news; We can thank God that the good news of the gospel continues to bring salvation and hope to many fellow citizens. We have not had face-to-face services in our churches for almost two years now, which has forced us to be creative in the ways we can remain a church in these circumstances.
Another distinctive element in the ministerial work is helping people in need, in that sense we can say that the ministries of mercy and justice are taking a very strong role in the life of the church. On the other hand, there is the work of training and training the leadership of the churches, investing heavily in the new generation of leaders in order to guarantee the continuity of the Lord’s vision.
Of all these good things that God is doing in our midst, you are participants through the gospel of all this, dear brothers and sisters. We are very grateful that together we can be working on the extension and advancement of the kingdom of God in this world.
We reiterate our gratitude for your support, and for joining us on this beautiful day and work.
We leave you this portion of the Word that is found in the Gospel of John 1: 5
The light shines in the dark, and the dark will never be able to put it out …
We praise and glorify the name of our God, there is nothing, absolutely nothing that can stop the advance of the glorious gospel of him.In Christ, *Ronaldo (name changed for security reasons)
There is nothing that can stop the advance of the Gospel! Let us rejoice!
Extend Your Hands to Help!

Please stand with us and extend your hands to help those in need on the Big Island. One of the reasons that Ronaldo’s family is doing well in spite of the crisis is because of your generous gifts. You can help by making a donation today!

Thank you, dear friends and family!
In His Grip, Dave
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