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A Journey of Encouragement
Pastors and leaders in Cuba from top left to right clockwise: Pastor René & Yarelis with René, Reinier, and Renlis; Aliane and Yaima; Pastor Justo with Pastor Dunesky & Deneisy and Isiened; Pastor Mario & Yany with Lorena

For the last 10 years, I’ve been writing daily reflections from my Bible reading and sharing them with our friends, whom we consider family, in Mexico and Cuba. It started as a way to encourage a few people. However, when I went to Cuba for the first time nine years ago, I realized how isolated our familia is there, with so few resources. That’s when I felt led to send these daily reflections to them, as well as to our friends in Mexico.

Over time, this ministry of encouragement grew. On days when I didn’t send out a biblical reflection, some pastors would reach out asking,   “Where is today’s reflection?” It became clear that the Lord was using what He gave me to bless others. So, I  started sharing the devotionals with more people, and the reach has expanded from there.

Strengthening Faith Through Timely Reflections
Some of the wonderful friends from Mexico with whom we partner in ministry (Monse is from Mexico City, and she ministers in Michigan with college students). We share our devotional reflections with them. From top left to right clockwise: Dave and Dawn with Monse; Pastor Federico & Blanca Muñoz with Daniel, Damaris and David, Pastor Ivan & Rocio, Pastor Uriel & Arely.

Recently, I’ve even started sending these reflections to some of our doctors in Mexico, who aren’t particularly strong in their faith. Yet, they’ve told Dawn and me how much they appreciate receiving the daily devotional thoughts.

What’s remarkable is how the Lord has used something so simple, that’s already part of my daily routine. I love doing it, so it’s a real blessing for me as well. Each morning during my devotional Bible reading, I pray and ask the Lord to highlight one of the passages I’ve read. Then, I reflect on that passage and write down my thoughts. I don’t rely on commentaries or study aids—these are my reflections on what I’ve read. The Lord speaks to me through His Word, and I write a short devotional based on that.

Several pastors and leaders that we work with tell me that the message that I sent on a particular day arrived just when they needed it. It’s been incredibly encouraging to see how the Lord is in this and how He’s using something I enjoy doing to help others.

Echoing Beyond Borders: The Global Impact of Daily Reflections
Pastor Eliel and Jessica with their church Hospital de Fe in Oaxaca, Mexico

Recently, I translated some of them into English. My son, Jonathan, commented on how powerful they were. He said, “You should record yourself and send them out as videos and/or audio as well.” So now, I’m working on recording these devotional reflections to share in a new way.

As this ministry has grown, Dawn, Jonathan, and I, along with some friends, brainstormed names for it. One of our friends, Jorge, suggested Echoes. We liked it but felt it needed a little more. One evening, while praying and reading the Bible, the Lord gave Dawn the name Echoes of the Father. In Spanish, it’s Ecos del Padre. A paraphrase of 1 Thessalonians 1:8 says, “The message of the Lord has sounded out from you not only in Greece but its echo has been heard in every place where people are hearing about your strong faith…” This reflects our desire to see the message of the Lord echo out in every place,  strengthening the faith of our friends and familia.

Dawn also pointed out how the name has a double meaning. First, it’s an echo of what the Lord is saying as I read His Word and then share it. Second, many of the leaders we work with see me as a father figure, a spiritual father. In Latino culture, which is deeply family-oriented, many call me Padre, and they call Dawn Madre.

Join Us in Prayer! What’s Next for Echoes of the Father
Dave & Dawn – Thankful to have the opportunity to share the love of Christ and encourage our friends and familia

I hope this gives you an overview of this growing ministry. Please pray with us that it will continue to expand. While my primary focus is on Spanish speakers, I have started sharing some of the reflections in English as well. We pray that the Lord will continue to guide us and that this ministry will truly strengthen and encourage the faith of our familia!

Extend Your Hands to Support a Child
Mailin with her two children, Abner and Lauren. They are happy to receive their socks and school supplies.

Please join us in prayer for our familia in Mexico and on the Big Island. Ask the Lord to encourage them through Echoes of the Father as the gospel goes forth. Pray for the Lord to care for and provide for them. We invite you to extend your hands and help meet their needs.

Dawn and I encourage you to prayerfully consider extending a helping hand. By sending a gift today, you can support a needy family and advance the gospel on the Big Island. TOGETHER, we can make a difference!

  • $10 – a toy
  • $25 – to support a family for one month
  • School Clothing and Supplies:
    • $17 – a backpack for one child
    • $17 – a pair of shoes
    • $30 – socks for 27 children

Whether you choose to support a family with a backpack, provide shoes, or bless a child with a $10 toy through Hannah’s Toys of Hope, your generosity will make a lasting impact.

Click to donate today.

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Video: Hannah’s Toys of Hope

In this video, created with the help of my colleague Jim DeWitt, we show how God is using toys to reach families.

Thank you for joining us in prayer, and for considering making a gift to help our precious familia.

In His Grip, Dave

P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja, and Beyond

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