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Don’t Cry For Mexico: Do Pray!

Two Monumental Events in One Day
The newlyweds – Jonathan & Hannah Diaso with, grandpa Ron Diaso, David Diaso, Dawn Diaso, grandma Alice Moore and David Diaso, Jr.

On Saturday, December 1st at least two monumental events took place. One our son, Jonathan married, Hannah Blanco. Now we have another daughter named Hannah. Interesting how the Lord works! The wedding was an amazing and wonderful celebration!

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s Inauguration

The second monumental event that took place on December 1st is that Mexico inaugurated their new president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. The people use his initials and call him AMLO. He won the vote in historic fashion back in July. Those running against him were not even close.

As I read articles and talk to people about AMLO many see him as a type of savior for Mexico. This is partly due to all the crime and corruption in the previous administrations. AMLO appealed to the humble and the disenfranchised in the country, and Mexico has many people that fit that description.
My motivation here is not a political analysis, but more of raising some awareness of the change going on within Mexico, and call people to pray.

Herbs, Incense, and Purification

In AMLO’s attempt to reach out to the often overlooked indigenous people he invited them to participate in the inauguration. They performed a purification or a cleansing with incense and herbs.
On Sunday an article appeared in the L.A. Times titled, Herbs, incense, a wooden staff — Mexico’s indigenous cultures take the inaugural stage to purify the president.  In the article CECILIA SANCHEZ  and PATRICK J. MCDONNELL report:

“At one point, Lopez Obrador, who was sworn into office Saturday for a six-year term, dropped to his knees in a cloud of incense as indigenous healers performed a rite of purification, brushing him with bunches of herbs.”
LA Times by Cecilia Sanchez and Patrick J. Mcdonnell

I don’t know if the president knew what he was doing, but he invited the wrong gods into his presidency. Instead of submitting to the one true God to guide and lead him he invited evil in. AMLO dropped to his knees before the witch doctors!

Be Humble, Pray and Seek the Lord

This is in stark to contrast what the Lord promised to Solomon when he dedicated the temple to the Lord. The Lord said in 2 Chronicles 7:14,

“if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14

The Lord calls us to humble ourselves and turn to him, to seek his face. I realize that neither the USA nor Mexico are Israel, but there are spiritual principles that the Lord has established. When we seek the Lord and look to him this invites his blessing. When we seek other gods it invites evil. The Lord does work in and through world leaders. I’d like to encourage you to join us in prayer for Mexico and for their new president AMLO. Pray that the president and the country will humble itself, pray and seek the Lord. I do believe God is at work in powerful ways in Mexico, and that is a big reason why opposition comes.
Dawn and I love Mexico and her people. We’ve given much of our lives to serving the Lord in Mexico. We pray for true and lasting change and transformation in our Querido Mexico.
I do thank the Lord that we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. That greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world! Thank you, Jesus, for your mighty and great power. You defeated sin, death, and Satan on the cross. We have victory in Christ! Pray for Mexico that the gospel will cover the land like the waters cover the sea.
In His Grip, Dave


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