Freedom to a Beautiful Young Woman and Her Family
I’ve been amazed by the testimonies coming from our familia on the Big Island.

The long lines for food and basic needs continue and even are getting worse, if that is even possible. Most of people cannot leave their houses after 1 PM, due to the restrictions placed on them. Yet, God is at work!
One of our dear young friends, Yoani shared this story of life change with me recently and I thought it would encourage you.
A Testimony of God’s Power and His Love

She begins, “I haven’t been able to go to church for about 6 months, because at first, I was pregnant with my son, Isaías (Isaiah). People who are considered vulnerable are not allowed to got out in public and attend church. Then after my son, Isaiah was born I couldn’t attend, because I had a small baby. Now most churches are closed and no one can attend.
Yet I thank my Heavenly Father for how He has worked in my life. I have not lacked encouraging words, because of my pastors here. The Lord also blessed me by allowing me to meet you. God freed me from the snares of the evil one when you came. I’m grateful that you continue to pray for me and that you send me powerful prayers and words of encouragement. I also enjoy the beautiful photos of your family, especially those of your pretty granddaughter.
My family is infinitely grateful for the financial help that you’ve sent to support us during these difficult times that we are all passing through here on the Big Island.
I’m so grateful for the marvelous redemptive work that the Lord has done in my life. When I was very little, shortly after I was born my father left my mom. He lived a life lost in drunkenness and chasing other women. He ended up in jail more than once for the crimes he committed.
About 6 years ago he got out of prison and said he wanted to change his life, so he moved close to where I live. He said he was proud of me for how I had chosen to live a good life, but he did not want to follow Christ at the time.
I prayed and cried for him. It was hard for me to forgive him, because he had caused me a lot pain. One day he developed appendicitis, and I was the only one who could take him to the hospital. While I was alone waiting for him during his operation God began to deal with me, but I wasn’t free, and I couldn’t forgive my dad.
It’s surprising how God responded to my supplications. He brought you from so far away to this small town as an answer to my prayers. I needed to be set free in some areas of my life, but I didn’t know how to do it. I didn’t know what to do. God guided you and my good friend and mentor Maria. The Lord used you to bring restoration, deliverance, healing, joy and forgiveness to my life. It was like a big weight was lifted off of my soul. I was finally able to forgive my dad.
I would have liked for this story to end with a happy ending like the fairy tales, but that’s not what happened. In a few weeks on the 10th of October it will be one year since my dad died from a heart attack. Now that he wanted to change his life and live a good life beside his family, his life was cut short. He never got a chance to meet his grandson, Isaiah. That has been very hard for me.
Today I give thanks to God that before my dad died I was able to forgive him for how he hurt me. God brought healing to me.
Pastor I wanted to share my testimony with you to encourage you to continue to minister. I believe that in whatever part of the world that you minister in that there are people that need God to do a miracle in their lives, like he did in my life through your ministry to me.
Thank You, Jesus!
Wow! What Yoani shared with me was so moving that I just had to share it. I hope that it might brighten your day as well. It gives you a glimpse of how the Lord is working in the lives of our familia on the Big Island as we extend our hands to help them. Despite all the pain, and all the difficulties God is on the move!

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In His Grip, Dave