The Good News of New Life

Dawn and I have been praying and contending for breakthrough here on the Border, the Baja and Beyond. We are amazed by how the Lord is working through our familia on the Big Island. One of the churches we are working with has shared the gospel with more than 12,000 and seen more than 7,000 respond to the good news of Jesus. I know I’ve written about this in the past. It’s such good news! It’s worth repeating.
There are good things happening in Mexico as well. The church is growing, but I feel like it’s been harder to see the growth. I’ve been praying that the Lord will use the Coronavirus to cause a greater openness to the gospel. Yet, so far it’s mostly slowed down our churches.
God is Faithful to Build His Church

We are seeing unbelievable growth in one place we are working, the Big Island, and more measured growth in Mexico. Some of our church plants have shared some encouraging news about what God is doing in cities like Tijuana and Colima. Just today our church planter in Colima, Jose Luis Rodriguez sent me a message and said that four new people came to an event they held on Saturday. On Sunday he met a new family and Pastor Jose Luis was able to lead all six of them to Christ. That is good news!

Dawn and I met with Pastor Davis and his wife, Luz last week. They are planting a church in the community of Playas in Tijuana. They’ve held some well attended outreach events over the last several months. Luz shared with much excitement about the 15 women that came to a breakfast that she organized. She said all of those that attended were either new Christians that Luz led to Christ or women who have not yet come to Jesus.

The theme of the breakfast was “Woman be Free”. It was based on the women who had hemorrhaging for 12 years. She was healed when she touched Jesus’ tunic. Some of the women were moved to tears as they reflected on Jesus’ power to heal.
We give thanks for how the Lord is moving and drawing people to himself. He is faithful to do so. Thanks so much for praying. We recognize that prayer key to seeing the church advance.
Extend Your Hands to Help

Help us to end the year strong! Dawn and I appreciate you and the pivotal role you play. You are helping extend the love arms of the Father to bring the living water, the spring of eternal life to the Border, the Baja and Beyond! You can help through prayer and through a financial gift to support church planting in Mexico and on the Big Island.
We ask you to prayerfully consider joining us by giving an extra gift this year.
Your gift will help us to accomplish the God given vision to impact, Tijuana, Colima, the Big Island and Beyond for generations to come. Our familia on the Big Island is still dealing with staggering needs. Sadly, the crisis is ongoing and it has only gotten worse as time has gone on. Not only is there a lack of food and basic goods, but the prices are skyrocketing and they are having to stand in long lines for hours at a time to get the little food that is available. We are thankful that we can be an instrument to bless others, and we’d love for you to join us in this effort of offering food to the hungry, and drink to the thirsty.

Merry Christmas!
In His Grip, Dave