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A New Church is Born

Pastor Ivan Casados with Pastor Daniel Nuñez on the new church's foundation
Pastor Ivan Casados with Pastor Daniel Nuñez on the new church’s foundation

On Friday afternoon pastor Daniel Nuñez and his wife, Yolanda and I went to visit pastor Ivan Casados at the new church plant site in Valle Verde. They just poured the slab for the foundation last week, so it’s exciting to see the progress on the building.
Ivan gave us a good report about how excited his people are about the construction for the church. It will give them more visibility in the community and create the opportunity for them to reach new and different people.
We are praying that we will have the majority of the church building completed in time for their first service on April 13th, Palm Sunday. Join us in prayer that the Lord will bring everything together for his glory, and that the church will reach their neighbors as the gospel goes forth.

Training Our Pastors

Rocio & Ivan - Please pray for them as they lead this new work
Rocio & Ivan – Please pray for them as they lead this new work

Pastor Ivan and his wife, Rocio are heading to Monterrey, Mexico today for a church planting assessment center. This will help them to discover their strengths and weaknesses, which will be a tool to aid them in being better church planters.
I was planning on going with Ivan and Rocio, but because of the trials my family is going through right now many friends and co-workers counseled me that it would be better for me to not attend this time around. I’ve worked with Ivan and Rocio and talked to other friends that will be there to make sure they will be well taken care of and have a good experience.
The assessment center is part of our larger plan to better equip our church planters. The next step will be incubator training that they will attend in the fall.
I’m thrilled that even though we’ve only been on the border for a year and a half that the Lord is moving this forward, and new works are springing up.

The Church Moves Forward on Her Knees

We should attempt great things for God, but in doing so we need much prayer.

Dave with Pastor Ivan
Dave with Pastor Ivan

Here are some specific prayer requests:

  1. Ivan & Rocio’s travel to and from Monterrey, Mexico and for a great experience at the assessment center.
  2. For all the details to come together in the building of this new church.
  3. We will be doing the majority of building on April 5th and 12th.
  4. I’m working on recruiting and organizing 50 – 60 people who will be coming down to build the church.
  5. Transportation – that we have enough for everyone, and that we don’t have any trouble getting to the site.
  6. That God will protect everyone that goes on the trip, and that they will all have a great experience.
  7. That the Lord will use this for his kingdom and his church will grow in Tijuana.
  8. That the Valle Verde church has a wonderful opening church celebration on April 13th.

Thanks so much dear friends. I don’t know what we would do without your prayer covering!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted March 24, 2014 at 3:39 pm

    Just prayed for your various and varied needs. I’m so encouraged to hear about how His church is spreading.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted March 28, 2014 at 11:16 pm

      Thank you – this has been an unusual time for us, but God is doing some wonderful things while we look to him.

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