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Breakthrough for the Broken!

Staying on the Move

Pastor Abraham Velazquez leading worship
Pastor Abraham Velazquez leading worship

Sometimes there is so much going on it’s hard to stay up on my posts. I’m also trying to write a book, but I haven’t yet figured out how to squeeze time in to give it the necessary attention. I’d appreciate your prayers that the dream of publishing a book would become a reality. Also, If you have any suggestions on how to fit it into a busy on the go schedule let me know.
Dawn and I will be leaving for Phoenix in just a couple of hours. We will be connecting with a church in the area and we’ll be attending a church planters network meeting. It promises to be a good time with some outstanding friends and ministers of the gospel. To top it off we also will be celebrating our 29th anniversary on Monday, March 5.
Dave preaching in Tijuana
Dave preaching in Tijuana

Brokenness and Healing

Last weekend, Dawn and I had the privilege of visiting Pastor Abraham Velazquez’s church in Tijuana. We’ve grown to love Abraham and his wife, Martha. It’s always special when we can be with them. 
I had the opportunity to preach at their church. The sermon was on Isaiah 54, Breakthrough for the Broken! My family and I have experienced our share of brokenness over the last couple of years since Hannah moved to heaven. This passage gives us hope for a better tomorrow. The barren one, the broken one is told to sing and cry aloud, because the Lord is going to deliver her.
The passage goes on to say prepare yourself for growth. Enlarge your tent. Get your house ready, because I’m going to bring an increase. I am going to bless you!

Isaiah 54:1-3

“Sing, O barren one, who did not bear;
    break forth into singing and cry aloud,
    you who have not been in labor!
For the children of the desolate one will be more
    than the children of her who is married,” says the Lord.
“Enlarge the place of your tent,
    and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out;
do not hold back; lengthen your cords
    and strengthen your stakes.
For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left,
    and your offspring will possess the nations
    and will people the desolate cities. (Isaiah 54:1-3)

One of the practices that Dawn and I have to look for the promises in the Bible and to use them in our prayers. These promises give us hope, especially when things go awry. Does that ever happen to you? I would like to encourage you to remember the promises of God and to repeat them often.

Breakthrough for the Broken in Tijuana

Ministerios Transformación Rojo Gomez church in Tijuana
Ministerios Transformación Rojo Gomez church in Tijuana

It was such a good time to minister at Pastor Abraham’s church. After the sermon, we had a time of prayer, and it was so encouraging as people shared their testimonies. One of the leaders in the church said that he had been having nightmares that he was going to die. He felt a release and peace after the prayer. I sent him a note the next day and he told me that he slept well and that he didn’t have any nightmares!
Another young man shared about the abuse he had suffered in his family growing up. He was bitter, but he felt the need to forgive his family so I was able to lead him in prayer to confess and forgive. He also needed Jesus so I had the pleasure of leading him to Christ! God is so good, and he is definitely on the move.
I learned while I was at the church that Pastor Mere Godinez, the pastor of the church we are building for Hannah used to attend this church in Tijuana. Abraham and Mere grew up together. They attended church together, and they are both in the ministry now. Wow, Lord! Thanks for all that you are doing. Praise you!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By alice
    Posted March 3, 2018 at 4:22 pm

    Praising with you! What a God!

  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted March 4, 2018 at 6:31 am

    Another post filled with thankfulness and blessings. Such a joy to read, even though I know a bit about the struggles that precede, and can also come during or after, these moments. As for the book, I’d suggest setting aside a bit of time each day (or on certain days) that are devoted to writing. I know you have much going on, but if this is something the Lord’s leading you to do, He’ll bless that time and show you how to find more.

    • By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
      Posted March 5, 2018 at 10:01 am

      Thanks so much for your continued kind words and encouragement. I appreciate your ideas on how to fit in some time for writing as well.

  • By empoweringlifemn
    Posted March 28, 2018 at 9:02 am

    Praise the Lord

  • By Sheri Carlson
    Posted August 27, 2019 at 2:20 pm

    Read all of your testimonies throughout your travels. Understand you are in Cuba currently, so do not expect a speedy response until you return. Are you a pastor or lay person? Are you reformed? Do you support any reformed churches in TJ? Wondering if you had ever worked with Ray Call who ministered in TJ ( about 12 years ago; he has since gone withMTW to Belize.)

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