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Emily, Oliva, Elizabeth and Dawn (from left to right)
Emily, Oliva, Elizabeth and Dawn (from left to right)

It was so good to hear Oliva share her testimony in front of the church this past Sunday.
She was looking for a job in a Spanish newspaper. In the process of looking for some job opportunities she saw something about an English class. That perked her interest. She decided to go.
Our ESL team which includes Ray Call and our intern, Emily Gryder received Oliva with open arms. She felt very welcomed. Then Emily invited Oliva to a Bible study on Friday nights. Oliva thought, “Church on Friday night?” She wasn’t sure about it, but she decided to go check it out.
Our intern, Emily has done a great job over the last several months. She really has loved on and ministered to Oliva.
While at the Friday night service Oliva met Edgardo Avila. He is the pastor that leads the Spanish-speaking ministry. Edgardo’s wife, Elizabeth was very warm to her. Before you know it, Oliva was attending church on Sunday mornings!
She said she grew up in a church, but she really didn’t understand the gospel message. The Lord used the ESL program and some of the people connected with it to lead Oliva to Christ. She understood the difference between knowing about God, and having a relationship with God. She put her faith in the risen Lord.
Now Oliva prays for her grown children and prayers that they will come to church, and get to know Jesus. Let’s join her in prayer that her children and grand children will come to a saving knowledge of Christ! One of Oliva’s daughters has already come to visit the church. God is indeed on the move!
In His Grip, Dave


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