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A Time for Advance, A Time for Expansion

God is on the Move in Amazing Ways

I’m writing this as I fly from Mexico to Colombia, and by the time you read this I will be in Colombia. We are excited about all the Lord is doing in our lives right now!
There are periods when the ministry is slow and not as invigorating as we’d like. Yet during those times we have to stay at it, and continue to plant and water that we might see growth and fruit down the road. Dawn and I feel like we are in a period of growth now. We are reaping some of the fruit from the seed we have sown. There is so much going on in our family and in the ministry. God is on the move in some amazing ways.

Pastor Petri leading Renuevo Church

Over the last week I connected with four of the church planters we are working with, who are ministering all along the border. Sunday I was at the church plant in Ensenada, Renuevo. We celebrated the Lord’s supper together. It’s encouraging to see that church grow and mature.
I also connected with two of our new church planters, which is energizing for me. To see something new started, even though it requires more time and work it is thrilling.

Pastor Federico and Blanca getting set up for Mexicali

(From left to right) – Junior, Dámaris, Federico, Blanca, David & Daniel

On Monday I was with Federico, Blanca and their four children helping them to find furniture to get set up in Mexicali.
After we spent the day picking up some of the furniture they needed we were able to stop and have some tacos. I enjoyed spending time with the family and helping them get set up. Their 14 year old son, Daniel, said that the Lord was going to bless my life threefold. He said this as he observed me help his family and as I was able to be a blessing to them. Those words really touched me at a deep level, and I almost started to cry. I held it in, which maybe isn’t good. I guess it’s part of my struggle as a guy to show much emotion at times like that.
I genuinely enjoyed working with Federico and Blanca, and helping them to move into a nice place so that they can reach out in that community. Yet, the words of their son touched me in deep way. It was a moment that money can’t buy. They were simple words, but the Lord used the words of a young boy to minister to my spirit.
There are a lot of challenges to starting a church, and there is some stress that goes with it. I’m still raising money for this project, which in my weaker moments causes me to worry. Yet in the midst of this I’m excited and looking forward to what God is going to do. I think Federico, Blanca and their children are growing in their faith as they trust the Lord for his provision and to raise up this church.

Pastor Davis & Luz – A new church in Tijuana

Pastor Davis & some of the people we are working with in Tijuana. From left to right, Davis, David, Blanca, Stan, Aaron & Liliana

It also gave me great joy to meet with and encourage Pastor Davis and Luz as they are working towards planting a church in Tijuana. As I encourage and minister to them it strengthens me as well. God is so good to bless us when we serve him. I’m not saying that we don’t experience hardship on the journey, but rather that He is a good good Father and he desires to give good things to his children.
Jesus taught about this and he used the Father’s goodness as an example when he taught us to pray in the gospels.
Davis and Luz have been beaten down a lot in the ministry. The same could be said for Federico and Blanca. Unfortunately, many of the challenges that they’ve encountered have come from inside the church not from outside. It’s one of the reasons why we need new gospel centered, Spirit filled churches. We need to live out the love of Christ as we live and serve. This type of church is authentic Christianity and it is attractive to the watching world.

Join us in Prayer

Join us in prayer for these special friends who are chosen by God to serve him and to see the kingdom of God extended on the earth. We continue to pray that it will be on earth as it is in heaven. We know there is love and not hatred, jealousy and unkindness in heaven, so we pray that we will live out and experience this type of love on the earth.
There are two big requests that we have as we ask for prayer. One is that these couples get set up for healthy living situations, so that they can minister and reach out in the community. The other is for the provision that we still need in order to fund these church plants. Thanks so much for standing with us in prayer.
In His Grip, Dave

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