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A Surprise Visit from Jonny Boy!

Jonny Boy, surprise, family
Jonny Boy the night he arrived for the fun surprise!

Last night Dawn and I said a tearful good-bye to our son, Jonathan as he flew back to Colorado.
Before that was the wonderful surprise visit!
Jon called me last week, and said he had some extra days off, because of the Martin Luther King holiday. Since Hannah and our friends from Mexico were also going to be here at the same time, I thought maybe we could take advantage of Jon’s days off.
I furiously searched the internet to see if I could find any affordable flights. After some digging I found a reasonable flight if he flew into the John Wayne airport in Orange County.
My son has a fun personality. I think he got that from his mom! 😉 He said, “don’t tell mom, let’s surprise her.” So we decided to surprise Dawn and our friends from Mexico.
David and Hannah took the girls, Silvia and Cesia, to a nice mall in Irvine near the airport. I took Dawn and our friends, Mario and Silvia, out on the town. I told Dawn I had a surprise for her, but she thought the surprise was some of the places I took them.
David and Hannah blindfolded Silvia and Cesia before they picked up Jonathan at the airport. They were thrilled when they saw Jon. Then they drove back home. It’s an hour and a half drive.
It was a late flight, and they didn’t get home until about 12 AM, so I was trying to figure out how I was going to keep Dawn up. By the time they got home she was in the bathtub. It took me a little while to get her out of the bathtub for the fun that awaited.
We told Mario, Silvia and Dawn to come downstairs for a surprise.
David has a flair for the dramatic, so he had us all go outside for a fashion show as the girls showed us what they bought at the mall. Dawn and the Silvas were a little disappointed there wasn’t more to the surprise. Meanwhile, Jonathan snuck upstairs.
fun, family
Jonny Boy and the gang with some friends having some fun

When we went to go back in the house David had mistakenly locked the door, which added to the drama. Finally, we made it back in the house. Jon left a trail of his clothes for clues. We somehow missed the clues, but when we got back upstairs there was Jonny Boy sitting on a chair, drinking coke in his boxers!
Wow, his mom was very surprised and overjoyed!
The Lord gave us a wonderful five days together. It was the first time we’ve had our whole family with us since we left Colorado. What a blessing! Our house has been busting at the seams with the Silva family and our family. There’s been much activity and fun late into the night!
Thank you Lord for the fun kids that you’ve given us! Thank you for a great visit with our son. I just wish it wasn’t so hard to say good-bye.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Moores
    Posted January 26, 2013 at 3:13 am

    You all are sooo much fun!!! What a beautiful pic of a godly family to the world. You two are superrr parents.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted January 28, 2013 at 11:55 pm

      Thanks for the encouragement. It was much fun, but everyone’s gone now, so we are a little sad

  • By Dianne Barlowe
    Posted January 26, 2013 at 10:04 am

    So glad for you all!

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted January 28, 2013 at 11:56 pm

      Thanks it was fun, but they’ve all gone back home. We are missing are kids!

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