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A Parade in Heaven for Mom

Happy Birthday Mom!
Mom, Virginia A Diaso

Today my mom would have celebrated her 85th birthday. She’s been in heaven for a little more than 7 months now. I miss my mom and my dad. They both moved to heaven within 67 days of each other.

Yesterday I had a dream and in this dream, I saw a big huge funeral processional. One like I had never seen before. There were beautiful colors and it reminded me of a parade. I thought this funeral must have been for someone of royalty. It was amazing. It appeared that this funeral was at the same place where my parents were buried.

Mom in the back center with her four sisters and her parents. We called them Vovoa and Vovoo

My mom’s dad, my grandfather who we called Vovoo was with me in the dream. We drove past the funeral/parade together in the car. And I remember we were by my grandparents’ home, which is near the cemetery where my parents are buried.

When I woke up and reflected on this dream the Lord gave me the sense that this is what the funeral of your mom looks like from heaven’s perspective. It is a celebration and a time that those loved by the Lord, in this case my mom and family members are welcomed into the His presence.

The Father’s Care for His Loved Ones
Hannah Diaso, Our beautiful daughter
Hannah Diaso, Our beautiful daughter

The Lord had me read Psalm 116 in my regular devotional reading the day after we passed through the 4 year anniversary of when Hannah moved to heaven. Psalm 116:15 says, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints” (ESV). He keeps reminding me of His love for me and my family on these significant days.

Heavenly Kisses
I love this photo of Mom & Dad, makes me this of them dancing on the streets of gold.

When I think about a parade maybe there is a celebration in heaven for my mom’s birthday as well. I don’t know, but I found this encouraging. This dream was like a kiss from my Father, my Papa!

If I’m honest when Hannah died and then my parents I struggled some with calling their funeral service a celebration of life. I didn’t feel like celebrating. I was sad and heartbroken. It was a time of mourning. By calling it a celebration of life it made me feel like I shouldn’t mourn their loss. Intellectually I can understand the concept of celebration of life, but emotionally it’s not as easy to grasp.

Then the Lord gave me this dream, which encourages my heart. I am sure from heaven’s perspective everything looks so different. There is comfort and it ministers to my soul to look at the death of a believer from our Heavenly Father’s perspective.

I’m sure this is true about so many things in our lives and world, even with all the craziness going on in our own country. If we were truly able to see things from heaven’s perspective I’m sure we would have a totally different outlook. We would rejoice more fully in our hope!

Wow! That’s so encouraging. Thank you Jesus!

In His Grip, Dave

P.S. Our Familia on the Big Island continues to live scrambling to provide for their family since the coronavirus crisis began. Prayerfully consider a gift today by clicking on the link below. Thank you for your generosity!

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  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted November 5, 2020 at 4:22 pm

    So much love in this post, Dave. Thanks for that. Right now is a difficult time for many people and we have yet to see how it will play out. I try to rest in knowing God is in control, even though it’s not always easy, is it?
    Much love,

    • By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
      Posted November 5, 2020 at 5:57 pm

      Thank you!
      I agree it is a difficult time, but the Lord is at work. Christians need to keep praying and keeping our eyes on Jesus! The Lord will carry us through this.

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