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An Exciting Day – Building a New Church
Building the new church in Mexicali

Last Monday, the day after Easter was a wonderful day. I got up and I drove 2 1/2 hours east to Mexicali. Once I arrived at the church site, I noticed that the walls were already up for the new church. I count it a privilege to be involved in starting new churches. This particular church is being led by Pastor Jorge Alvarado along with his wife, Lucy.

I wrote about Jorge and Lucy in my last post. They have an amazing testimony that reminds me of God’s love and how He pursues prodigals. Our God transforms lives in the most astounding ways.

Pastor Jorge & Lucy’s Story
Pastor Jorge and Lucy

On this trip I not only was able to witness the construction of this new life giving church, but I was able to met Jorge’s mom, Petra and others to learn more about their story.

If you remember from my last post Jorge was caught in life of drugs and addiction for a number of years. He was so bad that he said that he would wear shoes that didn’t match in public, and his hair was a mess. People in the community where he lived disliked him, some even hated him. He and his wife Lucy were separated and she moved to another city a long ways away.

While Jorge was on crystal meth and involved with the wrong people he was shot three times. Once in each leg and once in his stomach. He was in the hospital for 50 days, and in a coma for 3 of those days. There was a point were the doctors took Petra outside of the room where he was being treated, and they said he was dying and that there wasn’t anything else that they could do. While they were outside giving Jorge’s mom that devastating news, Jorge cried out, “Madre!” (Mom!).

A Miracle!
Jorge with his mom, Petra

The medical staff rushed back into the room. Petra said when she walked backed into the room that all eight of the people on the medical staff had gotten on their knees and they said it’s a miracle.

One of the amazing pieces to this story is that neither Jorge nor his mom were believers at the time. Yet, God decided that He had a better plan for Jorge.

After this incident Jorge got into a Christian based drug rehab center where he gave his life to Christ.

A Restored Marriage
David & Dawn with Lucy and Jorge

His wife, Lucy was living in another part of Mexico with their daughter. They were not yet believers either. Their daughter found Jorge on Facebook, and told Lucy that she wanted to go back to Mexicali to be with her dad. God brought them back together and restored their marriage and gave them new life in Christ.

That’s just amazing! It warms my heart when I hear their testimony. I found that when I’m with Jorge and Lucy and we are sharing and encouraging one another one of us if not all of are crying.

Jesus Light Is Shining in Mexicali
Dave with Pastor Jorge, Pastor Juan Huape and Pastor Daniel Nuñez, who are all part of Ministerios Transformación (Transformation Ministries)

They not only came to Christ, but now we are partnering with them to build a church and shine the light of Christ in the community where they now live. This is the same community that laughed at Jorge. No one liked him, but God changed all of that. Now he is respected and God is using him to bring the good news of the gospel to the people. Many others who were or are caught in addiction are finding Christ through this church.

I’m so thankful for the life and testimony of Jorge and Lucy. It’s a beautiful picture of God’s grace and His power to bring life transformation. I give thanks that we can partner with them to start this new church.

You Can Help!
The Partially built church in Mexicali

Last week we had enough funds to frame the walls and put up some of the roof, but we weren’t able to finish. We still need $6,000 to finish building the church. That’s where you come in.

First, pray for Jorge and Lucy and this vital ministry.
Second, prayerfully consider making a gift today.

Mexicali is in the desert. It’s hot, and the temperature often exceeds 100. The church needs a finished roof and walls and air conditioning as they head into the summer months.

Dawn and I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider making a donation today to help us finish building this church. We are almost there! Please consider giving a gift of $50, $100, $250, $1,000, or more to plant a new church in Mexicali, Mexico. Dawn and I appreciate the critical role you play in bringing the light of the gospel to Mexicali and Beyond!

Click to Donate…

In His Grip, Dave

P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond