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A New Birth in Mexicali!

Launching a New Church in Mexicali Today
Dave & Dawn with the Muñoz family – front row: Junior and Paola; back row: Damaris, Dave, Daniel, Federico, Blanca, David, Dawn

Today is an important day. Not only do we remember those who have gone before us, and those that have given their lives to protect the freedoms that we enjoy, but we are launching a new church in Mexicali today. Although it is Memorial Day weekend in the USA, Mexico doesn’t share this holiday with us.

Pastor Federico and Blanca Muñoz will be holding their first public service in Mexicali today at 6 PM PDT. The launching of a new church, reminds us of the life giving work of Jesus. Sunday is a special day set apart to celebrate the resurrection of Christ!

When I think of those that have gone before us, it helps to remember that Christ took away the sting of death for those in Christ. He defeated sin, death and Satan on the cross. His saving work gives us hope. This is the good news that we preach!

Pray for Federico & Blanca and the New Church
Federico leading worship in Mexicali

I don’t usually post on Sunday, but I wanted to get this out, so that you could join us in praying for Federico and Blanca and their team as they launch the church. Church planting is a spiritual work. We need God’s grace and the Spirit’s powerful work to see lives changed by the good news of Jesus. That’s why we start new churches so that people might hear the message of the Jesus. The wonderful life giving message of the gospel.

Pray for Federico and Blanca today that the Lord will guide and lead them today. That Jesus will be glorified in their midst. Pray that their friends and those that they’ve invited will come. They’ve weathered a long period of the pandemic which has restricted their ability to meet, so this is a huge and an important step for them. Also pray for them as Federico’s brother passed away yesterday. Pray that the Lord of all comfort will bring him and his family His comfort and His love.

God’s Mighty Work Through His Church
Pastor Federico sharing the good news of the gospel in front of his house

Recently as I’ve been reading the Bible, I’ve been camping out in Acts 4. The early church encountered opposition, and they began to pray for boldness and that they would see the mighty hand of God work among them. Then the whole place was shaken and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Pray that Federico and Blanca will be bold and that they will experience God’s earth shaking power today!

“And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.”

‭‭Acts‬ ‭4:29-31‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Extend Your Hands to Help Those in Need
Our Familia in Need on the Big Island
One of the young church planting families that we are supporting on the Big Island

Dawn and I would like to invite you to not only to pray, but to make a donation today to help the gospel to go forth in Mexicali. We also are raising funds to aid our familia on the Big Island. We have ambitious goals to give to the needs of the pastors and families each month, so that they do not suffer, and that they can continue in ministry, and preach the life saving message of Jesus!

Give a donation today to the needs of the church and our familia. Your prayers and generosity will aid these families and the gospel in undeniable ways. Make a donation today by clicking on the link below!

Click to Donate…

In His Grip, Dave


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