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God’s Continued Work in 2014

Dave with Pastor Ivan, Pastor Jose Luis and Pastor Daniel Nuñez
Dave with Pastor Ivan, Pastor Jose Luis and Pastor Daniel Nuñez on the new church plant site

I’m still reflecting some on all that God did in 2013. The Lord’s mighty deeds encourage my heart, and I hope it will lift your spirits as well.
One of the projects that we began in 2013 that I’m very excited about going into 2014 is a new church plant in Tijuana. We are working with Daniel Nuñez (Lo Mejor del Trigo, “The Best of the Wheat“) and Harbor to start a new work in Valle Verde. The pastor of this new work is Ivan Casados.
We’ve had some set backs in getting this project up and running, but our hope is to get this new church off to a strong start in the next month or so.

Pray For God to Bring Things Together

We appreciate your prayers for pastor Ivan Casados and his wife, Rocio as they lead this new work. Pray God brings all the resources together, so we can move this church plant forward.
One of the reasons that I get stoked about church planting is that as C. Peter Wagner has said,

“Church Planting is the best methodology of evangelism under the sun.”          Church Planting for a Greater Harvest (Ventura, Calif.: Regal Books, 1990), 11.

A Changed Life

Pastor Ivan Casados with the land for the new church site behind him
Pastor Ivan Casados with the land for the new church site behind him

I love the stories of changed lives that come from our church planters.
Ivan shared this story with me lately of someone who his wife, Rocio reached out to. Rocio went out with a group from the church to visit neighbors in the community where they are starting the new church. Rocio met Veronica, and asked her if she could pray for her. Veronica said she was nervous about her upcoming back surgery.
Rocio prayed and Veronica felt God’s peace which gave her strength and carried her through the operation. Through the witness of Rocio and the prayer and loving support of the church Veronica gave her life to Jesus. Then her husband, Saul and her son, Samuel came to Christ. Now they are becoming an integral part of the church.
Pray for many more people like Veronica and Saul to come to know the Savior, and see their lives transformed. We’d love to see the Lord do a mighty work through this church in 2014 and beyond!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By naggie007
    Posted January 9, 2014 at 11:44 pm

    Praying that God brings this work to completion … You cannot reach the bottom of His resources … He is an endless God. My prayer is that He shows you guys just how endless He is!!
    May this plant be bathed in Him and bring many into a revelation of the Cross and an intimate relationship with Him.
    Bless you and yours … Much love in Christ … Natalie NZ 🙂

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted January 10, 2014 at 11:06 am

      I love your prayer and I’m in agreement with you. Thanks!

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