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Kingdom Expansion

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In front of the land where church #29 will be planted for Ministerios Transformación

Today I finished the day feeling fulfilled. I don’t always feel this way, but the Lord gave me a wonderfully fruitful day with our partners in ministry.
In the morning my MTW colleague, Jim DeWitt and I headed into Mexico to lead some training on coaching/mentoring church planters and leaders. When we got there we were greeted by my good friend, Pastor Daniel Nuñez and his family. Jim and I got set up for the training time.
Then Daniel offered to take us to see the land that we just helped them purchase for the 29th church plant of Ministerios Transformación. I will write more about this new work in another post, but I never get tired of seeing God extend his kingdom!
I loved being able to pray for the new work with Pastor Daniel and the others that accompanied us. Awesome experience! After our visit we went for some delicious fish tacos.
Upon our return to the pastoral retreat house, where we held the training session we finished prepping for the workshop.

Training Leaders to Coach

Jim DeWitt leading a session on coaching

The Lord gave us a good group. It wasn’t a necessarily large group, but they were eager to participate and the size of the group added to the openness and the intimacy of the participants.
Jim and I worked hard to get them involved in the learning process. In other words, we didn’t just lecture. We used an interactive style of training.
One of our goals was to give them a review of the Gospel Coaching training we did with them last December. We sought to build on the foundation we had laid in the winter.
Those that came really got into the learning process. We gave them each a chance to practice coaching one another, and it was heartwarming seeing them encourage and minister to one another through coaching.
When we got towards the end of our time together. Daniel asked, what are the next steps to implementing a coaching strategy for their network? It’s as if I had planted that question. It gave us a launching point to try to figure out how they could multiple coaches, and make sure that each pastor has a coach.
The pastors and wives that came to the training our wonderful friends of ours, so when I’m with them I always leave encouraged. God is doing an amazing work among them. Thank you Jesus!
In His Grip, Dave

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