Looking back on God’s good work
When I think back on 2018 I give thanks for all that the Lord did this last year. The highlights this year were building a new church plant in our daughter, Hannah’s memory. That was a huge event and all that went into it. I’m so thankful to the Lord for allowing us to honor Hannah’s memory in this way. Dawn and I are thankful for the pastor that is leading the church plant. Pastor Mere and his wife, Edna have become like family to us, and we’ve grown to love them.

We love their passion to reach the lost for Christ and to see the community transformed by the gospel. Dawn and I have enjoyed getting to know them, and being able to coach and encourage them in their ministry.
Cheering on from Heaven

There’s so much mystery surrounding heaven and the interaction between heaven and earth. Hebrews speaks of a cloud of witnesses in Hebrews 12.
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:1-2 ESV
We believe if there is any way possible Hannah is in heaven cheering on the work of this church, and even interceding on behalf of Mere and Edna as they serve in Mexicali.
One thing we do know is that Hannah loved Mexico, and she loved the people we work with in Mexico. She was born in Mexico City, and just two weeks before she moved to heaven she told us how she’d love to live in Mexico.

We miss Hannah so much, our heart aches for her, but we are thankful that our grief is not without hope. Our whole family, David jr., Jonathan, Dawn and I give thanks for all the people that gave towards this project and participated in building the church.
Dawn and I are encouraged by the progress that Pastor Mere and Edna have made as they reach out into the community. We also look forward to seeing all that the Lord has in store for them and this special church.
Celebrating Jonathan & Hannah’s Marriage

The other special highlight for us in 2018 just happened the first day of December when our son, Jonathan married Hannah Blanco. Now they are Mr. & Mrs. Jonthan Diaso. Both of them love Jesus, and they desire to serve the Lord and to be involved in ministry. They have tremendous gifts, and as they come together we know that the Lord is going to do a great work through them. We are so excited for them and cheering them on as they start their lives together.
I wrote more about their wedding and marriage in my last post.
Looking forward to 2019

We already know that 2019 holds something special for us as well. We know this because of God’s promises in Jeremiah 29:11 that his plans for us are for good and not for evil. We also know this, because our son David just got engaged to Emily Tenison and they are planning on getting married in May of 2019. The Lord continues to redeem and expand our family and ministry!
Thanks so much for praying for us and encouraging us through this past year. We know that we would not have been as effective or successful without a team of faithful friends standing with us. People who pray for us, encourage us and who give financially to support the ministry. Thank you, Jesus! Thank you for your goodness and that all of your promises are yes and amen in Christ!
In His Grip, Dave
P.S. If you’d like to give a year-end gift you can give to the ministry online through this link: