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Valuable Partners: Skyview!

Blessed by Skyview Church

Skyview Presbyterian Church
Skyview Presbyterian Church

Dawn, Hannah and I loved our visit with Skyview Presbyterian Church in Denver today (Sunday). Skyview has brought groups down to Ensenada Mexico for the last three summers in a row to work with us. This group and the church has blessed us and our friends at La Nueva Jerusalén (The New Jerusalem) in Ensenada a great deal.
It was so good to be with them, and give a report of our work on the Border, the Baja and Beyond!
Dave sharing at Skyview
Dave sharing at Skyview

Skyview is an important and valuable partner. They’ve not only encouraged us, but they’ve become great friends with the leaders at the Nueva Jerusalén church. It’s been wonderful to watch the relationship grow.
The Lord has used Skyview to open doors for us in Ensenada. The seeds of the new church planting project, Renuevo were born through the relationship that was built through these projects.
God has brought other churches into this partnership as Redeemer Church in San Diego has brought numerous groups down to minister through medical clinics. These trips have also been a huge blessing and the seeds of gospel have gone forth through their ministry. Redeemer has also been a key cog is seeing Renuevo come to life as they have prayed and given towards the new project!

Join Us In Prayer!

Skyview Church team and La Nueva Jerusalén church team
Skyview Church team and La Nueva Jerusalén church team

This Fall Petri and Yudy are hoping to launch the church planting project, Renuevo. Pray for them as they lead this project, and seek to make a difference for the gospel in Ensenada.
Pray for Saul Lopez as he takes on more leadership as La Nueva Jerusalén Church. We pray that this church will also see renewal in Christ. Jose Zunun is leading a mission church in Maneadero, which is south of Ensenada. The mission is called Gracia Eterna, which means Eternal Grace. Pray as he labors to see this mission grow.
In His Grip, Dave