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The Triumphs & Challenges on the Big Island

Pastor Omar’s Visit
Pastor Omar sharing his story at a pastor’s gathering

Earlier this month one of our friends, our familia from the Big Island was here with us. Pastor Omar has played a key role in the expansion of the church on the Big Island. He has an interesting story, and much to tell, so we loved getting some time with him.

I took advantage of his visit and recorded some video of his first hand view of what is happening on the Big Island. I just uploaded Pastor Omar’s account of the triumphs and the challenges that the church and the people are facing. I’ve included the video in this post.

Dawn, Omar and Dave

Dawn and I loved having Omar visit us. It was the first time that someone from the Big Island has been able to come see us. The Lord used our time together in many ways. We were able to encourage one another, and pray for one another. In some ways it was like a healing balm for all of us. It helped Dawn and me to feel closer to our familia. We haven’t been able to visit them, because of all the COVID restrictions for almost two years. We’ve missed Omar and all the beautiful people in the churches there. They truly have grown to be our precious familia.

Pastor Omar – The Triumph & Challenges on the Big Island
Pastor Omar
Help us End the Year Strong

Omar tells the story of the challenges that the people on the Big Island are facing just to feed their families. We’d like to ask you to consider a generous gift today to help these families. They are families just like yours, with one big difference they don’t have all the opportunities that your family has. They live with lack every day. One of the pastors told me recently that his wife is so generous. We are sending them donations every month to help them, but she gives so much away to others in the church that are in need that their family doesn’t have anything left at the end of the month for themselves. These are the types of sacrifices our leaders are making. The churches are growing. We give thanks for that, but the needs are also very real, and we believe that we must continue to extend our hands to help! Please join us by clicking on the button below.

Click to Donate…

Happy New Year!
In His Grip, Dave
P.S. You can also give via check to:
Beyond Borders
665 Crescent Dr.
Chula Vista, CA 91911

1 Comment

  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted December 29, 2021 at 6:42 pm

    With many challenges come many blessings. I pray God provides those in unlimited amounts in 2022.

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