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The President and the Gospel

John Kyle, Cameron Townsend and Wycliffe

During his 50 years as director-mentor of SIL members around the world, Townsend traveled a great deal. Here we see him enjoying a visit with members of a minoritygroup of Papua New Guinea (1969)
During his 50 years as director-mentor of SIL members around the world, Townsend traveled a great deal. Here we see him enjoying a visit with members of a minority group of Papua New Guinea (1969)

Recently the Lord re-connected me with John Kyle, the former coordinator for Mission to the World (MTW). John also spent several years as a vice president for Intervarsity and one of the key leaders for Wycliffe.
Wycliffe Bible translators actually began there first works in Mexico. Cameron Townsend, the founder and president of Wycliffe ministered among the poor indigenous tribal people in remote areas of Mexico.

Townsend meets President Cardenas

(Left-right) Lazaro Cardenas, Mrs. Cardenas, Mrs. Townsend, and W. Cameron Townsend on the Townsend's wedding day. Mexico Cardenas Museum Waxhaw, Union County
(Left-right) Lazaro Cardenas, Mrs. Cardenas, Mrs. Townsend, and W. Cameron Townsend on the Townsend’s wedding day. Mexico Cardenas Museum
Waxhaw, Union County

While Uncle Cam (as many called Townsend) was working with the people the president of Mexico was Lazaro Cardenas. Cardenas took a keen interest in the rights and needs of the poor indigenous people in Mexico. He learned of Townsend’s work and came to visit him. The president was impressed when he saw how much Uncle Cam was helping the people.
Cardenas told Townsend that he wanted 50 more people like him to come work with the indigenous people. That’s how their friendship developed.
The president aided Townsend in his work. It’s an amazing story when you think about it. It reminds me some of Daniel dealing with the Kings of his day, although Townsend wasn’t in captivity while he served but they both had a profound influence on the foreign lands that God brought them to.
Cameron Townsend and President Lazaro Cardenas became such good friends that later when Townsend was married Cardenas was his best man. I believe the wedding ceremony or party was held at Cardenas’ house.

Church Plant in Lazaro Cardenas Community

Dave with pastor Jose Luis Rivera and Raquel
Dave with pastor Jose Luis Rivera and Raquel

I bring all this up partly, because it is interesting history. Also, the area of the city where our friends, pastor Jose Luis Rivera and his wife, Raquel are working is called, Lazaro Cardenas. It has been a tough community to break into.
John Kyle gave me a book, Lazaro Cardenas: Mexican Democrat written by William Cameron Townsend, that shares the story of Cameron Townsend and Lazaro Cardenas. I’ve talked to Jose Luis about setting up a lunch so we can meet the community leaders in Lazaro Cardenas to share this story and give them the book.
Jose Luis liked the idea, so he is working on setting up a time when we can meet with the community officials. We pray that the Lord will use this to open some doors into Lazaro Cardenas.
Join us in prayer for the Lord to go before Jose Luis and Raquel as they minister in the community of Lazaro Cardenas. We continue to pray for a person of peace, and for God to open doors for the gospel among the people who live there.
We know that nothing is too difficult for our God!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Don Grabow
    Posted August 6, 2014 at 12:47 pm

    Thanks for that story I dint know uncle Cam was such a good friend with Lazaro Cardenas. I built a playground in Lazaro Cardenez at a Community Center near the Catholic Church.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted August 6, 2014 at 2:22 pm

      Did you meet any of the community officials when you did that? Maybe you could help us get a foot in the door there.

  • By callingandconflict
    Posted August 6, 2014 at 6:06 pm

    Thank you for sharing, very interesting. Ministry in Mexico is a passion I share, particularly the connection between church and politics, to see the church use its voice to proclaim Christ and His love for those in need, those who desperately need an advocate, and to know the Great Advocate.
    Praying that God will open doors.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted August 9, 2014 at 6:36 am

      thanks for your prayers and your encouragement!

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