A Wonderful Trip

Dawn and I are returning from a trip to Pennsylvania. We were able to see our son, Jonathan and his wife, Hannah. The Lord also gave us the opportunity to see a few other friends and family who live in the area. We took advantage of the trip to visit two churches one in the Annapolis, Maryland area and one in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
It was a great trip as we hadn’t see Jonathan and Hannah for a year. We loved the opportunity to update our friends in the churches about all that God is doing in Mexico and on the Big Island. When I think about our many friends at the churches that support the ministry, I’m reminded of the importance of prayer for the gospel to expand successfully in the places we are ministering. These friends are so kind and they do truly infuse us with renewed strength to carry on.
Encouraging One Another

I love the interest that people show in what we are doing, and in what God is doing through us. Sometimes we forget the importance of these connections when we are separated.
We don’t always realize how important it is to have people in our lives that encourage us. Friends who stand with us in the battle.
Isaiah 35:3 mentions the importance of strengthening the hands of those who are weak. Paul in Galatians 6:2 writes about bearing one another’s burdens. Dawn and I seek to do strengthen the pastors and leaders we are working with.
Showing Concern for Those in Need

Just recently one of our friends, Anna from the Big Island wrote me and said, “You are an excellent pastor, always showing concern for others. This is not very common. I notice that there are fewer pastors and I believe it’s because many of them don’t have someone like you to encourage them.” When I read this I thought, wow! I don’t always realize how important it is to show care and concern for our leaders. I’m grateful the Lord is using both Dawn and me in this way to strengthen the hands of those who are weak, and to help bear others burdens.
Another friend wrote me today and said, “you have been a great blessing to my family and to me. You are to me, as I’ve told you on other occasions, like the apostle Paul. You encourage me and exhort me in the Word of God. God bless you!”
We all need someone to stand with us and to encourage and to exhort us along the way. I recently heard that many pastors in the USA have been leaving the ministry because of discouragement especially during this season that we’ve been living through. The circumstances are even more difficult in Mexico and on the Big Island, so we pray and we seek to strengthen our friends. Our desire is to see healthy ministers of the gospel, who have strong families.
Who Cares for the Pastors?

Who cares for the pastors? Often pastors and leaders feel lonely and isolated. They don’t know where to go for the support that they need.
I think we tend to underestimate the necessity of having friends and family in our corner who show concern for us. We desire to be those friends for the pastors and leaders that we are working with. We also give thanks for the many friends that help us along the way. I think that is one of the privileges that we have as missionaries. There are a lot of people who pray for us, and who are cheering us on.
Thank you for being one of those friends. You are very important to us. You play a pivotal role in our lives and ministry. We give thanks for you!
Extend Your Hands to Help Our Familia

As stated in the photo above our familia on the Big Island is facing their worst economic crisis in 30 years. Dawn and I are sending aid every month to help the pastors and families on the Big Island. Since the COVID-19 hit in March 2020, we’ve been able to help more than 2,000 people in 9 different cities.
Your gifts are making a difference in this nation with tremendous needs that are difficult to meet. God is using you, because even where your feet cannot reach, your prayers can reach! Your offerings of love can reach!
You can be part of a team in the hands of God, and TOGETHER we can make a difference! Pray with us and extend your hands to help our familia. Make a Donation Today.
Thank you for your prayers and for your support for this work on the Big Island!

Video: A Tale of Two Cities
Tale of Two Cities featuring Jessica’s prayer for toothpaste
Thank you for joining us in prayer, and for considering making a gift to help our precious familia.
In His Grip, Dave
P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond
By bwcarey
Help arrives from the strangest places, the help of rising the Spirit, good deeds, is the type of food that lasts, as it encourages others, so in short, to be of help, leave the impression, of Hope and Encouragement, and don’t allow people to fall into the trap of brands, favoring one believing group over another, the world is going through a change that is being advertised in the Sky above, so pay attention to the Gospel of Jesus, now that there is no doubt whatsoever, and always remember, the higher duty to those who lead in these affairs, and more importantly, the judgement that applies to those that lead people astray, the signs are in the Heavens, best of days, amen.
By sustainabilitea
What an important and encouraging post, Dave. I think too often we only think of pastors as those who dispense encouragement and wisdom rather than people who need just what each of us needs. This is an excellent reminder to minister to our ministers. Thanks!
By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
Yes – many pastors don’t have someone that they can confide in or someone that is encouraging them along the way.
By Alice Moore
Great Letter
By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
Thank you!
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