Jessica’s Family

Just a couple weeks ago I was praying and encouraging Jessica’s parents, who live on the Big Island. You might remember Jessica from the video that I shared. She gives thanks that God provided toothpaste for her because she had to brush her teeth with water and salt since they didn’t have any toothpaste. The saltwater burned her mouth. She prayed and God answered. When I’ve shown that video to friends at churches they often cry to think of this little girl and many others like her who can’t even buy a tube of toothpaste, because of the scarcity on the Big Island. Some of them said, “Wow! we have so many options of toothpaste to choose from here in the United States and they don’t have any!” (I’m including the video below in this post if you’d like to see it).
It was good to talk to Jessica and her parents. God has given Dawn and me a special love for them.
One of the challenging things that Jessica’s family has been facing is a number of health issues, especially Jessica and her mom. Part of the reason is because of the lack of healthy nutrition available to them. This is an ongoing frustration. Since 2020 the economy on the Big Island has gotten especially bad. It was already difficult to live as the people make only $25 USD per month. The pandemic sent the already fragile economy into a tailspin. The price for their staple foods like rice and beans has gone up by 500%, while their monthly earnings have not increased.
The lack of food and medicine leads to malnutrition and sickness.
The Spiritual Battle

The other issue is a spiritual one. On the positive side, the church is growing on the Big Island. These needs have opened people’s eyes to the spiritual needs they have. Many are giving their lives to Christ. The donations we are sending help these needy families and they are wonderful witnesses as they share the little they have with others.
That is the positive side, but the other side of the coin is that there is much santeria and witchcraft on the Big Island. Even some of Jessica’s grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other family members are involved in witchcraft. There is a clash and a battle that is going on. This is why prayer is so important. That is why I spent about two hours praying with Jessica and her mom and dad strengthening them and praying for God’s protection and covering.
I don’t like to write about evil, but I feel like it’s important that you know so that you can join us in prayer. Some have said the church marches forward on her knees. We definitely need your prayers to stand strong.
I was just talking to a pastor friend who lives near us, and he told me that he has a team of intercessors, because the battle is so intense when we are planting churches. We started thinking about some of the casualties that we’ve seen. We know that we have victory in Christ, but we are still in a battle. This is why Paul exhorts us in Ephesians 6:11, 12 that we must “put on the full armor of God, so that (we) can stand against the devil’s schemes. Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (I personalized and adapted the passage). Paul tells us to put on the armor of God and to pray.
Stand with us in Prayer

Your prayers are more powerful than you realize. Paul asked for the Ephesians to pray that he will speak the gospel fearlessly. Pray for us and those we work with to be able to proclaim the gospel fearlessly. Pray for protection against the attacks of the enemy. Pray for God’s provision for Jessica and her family as well as the many other families to whom we are sending aid on the Big Island.
Dawn and I would also like to invite you to extend your hands to help our familia by making a donation. You can support one family for $25 a month. Make a Donation Today.

Thank you for joining us in prayer, and for considering making a gift to help our precious familia.
In His Grip, Dave
P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja, and Beyond
By sustainabilitea
This makes me sad as did the story about the cost of a bar of soap. It would be wonderful to be able to just to a truckload/boatload of these items there and distribute them, wouldn’t it? Prayers? Certainly!!
By Ddiaso
Yes – I agree it is sad and I wish we could do more. I wish it was easier to get things to our friends and familia in Cuba. In the meantime we pray and send all the aid that we can to help.
By cbholganza
our prayers are with you. you are doing such wonderful work there. we wil see what we can do from out here.
By Ddiaso
Thank you. We greatly appreciate the prayers and encouragement!
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