Our Familia on the Big Island

Just last week Dawn and I were talking to our familia on the Big Island, and as they shared more about the trials and lack that they were experiencing after I got off of our video call, all I could think of was, Help! It reminded me of the Beatles song, Help! “Help! I need somebody!”
Our dear friend, *Maria, who’s like a daughter to us, told us that even though we had sent them aid this last month that that it still wasn’t enough to cover even their basic needs. The cost of rice and beans and other essential items continue to rise. Maria and her family went a few days without food! All they had left for sustenance was tea. Can you imagine trying to nourish your family with just tea? After a couple of days, Maria’s 7 year old daughter, *Zoey wouldn’t drink her tea. Zoey told her mom that she wanted to move next to her abuelos (Dawn and me) so she could drink milk. (*Not their real names).
Wow! It’s like even with all that we’ve been going through this year, we haven’t faced anything like that.
Prices are Rising and so are the Needs

The economy on the Big Island is changing, and it’s getting worse. The prices are going up on the bare minimum that the people need to survive. Basic items like beans and rice are up to 5 times higher than they were just a few months ago. There is fear that the prices will go up even higher in January. Before the prices started rising we were able to help feed a family for $10 a month, now it’s more than double that $30 – $50 a month.
We are praying with our familia. We are staying in close contact with them, so that we can encourage them. The other thing that Dawn and I feel like the Lord wants us to do is try to raise more funds, so that we can help more.
In spite of all of these trials, God is doing amazing things on the Big Island. Maria shared a very encouraging testimony with me earlier today. Her husband, *Lucas had the opportunity to share the gospel with a witch near their home. Witchcraft is common on the Big Island. As Lucas shared about the love of Jesus the man who had been involved in witchcraft began to cry and the Holy Spirit convicted him and he made a profession of faith. That’s breaking through the darkness. That’s the power of the gospel!
God is at work in spite of the heart breaking needs!
Extend Your Hands to Help!

Help us to help our familia on the Big Island by giving a generous gift today. A gift of $30 will help to feed a family for a month. This is the season of giving, and we appreciate you taking the time to prayerfully consider what you can do to Help. Donate today by clicking on the link below!

In His Grip, Dave
P.S. You can also give via check. The info for giving is on our website: DiasoLifeOnTheBorder.org