Hope for Healing
Dawn and I are learning and being recharged this week at a conference in Wheaton, near Chicago. We believe that part of our calling on the border is to see the Lord bring healing and wholeness to many who have experienced brokenness. We are grateful that God has given us this opportunity.
The conference is at Wheaton College. The school started around 1860, so it has some great history.
The Billy Graham Museum
The campus also houses and runs the Billy Graham museum. The museum looks at impact the gospel has had on America, and how it has gone out to the world. Since it’s named after Billy Graham it does trace his ministry from beginning to present. The museum also highlights some other evangelists that the Lord has used in the U.S.A., such as George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Finney, D. L. Moody, Billy Sunday, etc.
I found it inspirational to look back on how the gospel has had a profound effect on the U.S.
It is sad that the church has lost some of her influence in our country today. Yet the Lord is still using the Church, and God is still on the throne.
Our Prayer
O Lord, please do bless and stir up many to receive the healing and wholeness that only the gospel can provide. Grant us your bountiful blessing as we seek to make an impact on the San Diego – Tijuana border. Our eyes turn to you. Lord, please do work!
In His Grip, Dave
Related articles
- God is Triumphant in TJ: His Healing Work! (diasolifeontheborder.org)
- Over 12,000 Churches to Participate In “My Hope With Billy Graham” Evangelism Effort (blackchristiannews.com)
- Special Video: Billy Graham and Every President Since WWII (pastorappreciationblog.com)
By gwennonr
May God bless you! You will be in my prayers.
By diasolifeontheborder
Thanks so much – I know the Lord hears your prayers, and we are receiving many blessings as a result!
By lucky4jill
Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you are able to read Follow Me by David Platt. It is a great book!
By diasolifeontheborder
Thanks – I’ve heard good things about it
By cottageonstrawberry
Never really thought of ‘being stirred up to RECEIVE the healing’ that only our Lord and Saviour can impart. Receiving yes! Being stirred up …. He is such a wonderful, mighty God in control of all things. Thank you so much for visiting poetrycottage. May your ministry be blessed abundantly for His glory.
By diasolifeontheborder
Thanks for your comment and I hope that you continue to receive God’s rich blessings as you seek him!
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