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Hannah’s – Toys of Esperanza

A Ministry to Bless Children and Families
Bottom Left: Pastor Rolando & Yolanda; Hannah; One of the boys we are helping and the small rickety home that he lives in

On Christmas day one of the pastor’s wives, Yolanda* who lives on the Big Island contacted us. She said that she would like to start a ministry in memory of our daughter Hannah. She would like to name the ministry Ministerio Hannah, “Hannah’s Ministry”. Yolanda explained that the ministry is to help children on the Big Island. It’s an opportunity to take the gospel to families, and bless the children with toys. Yolanda and her husband, Rolando* would like to be able to give toys to children in the poorer areas, and in the churches that they’ve planted and have oversight of.

It’s hard to imagine, but almost 90% of the population lives in extreme poverty. It was reported in the Miami Herald on December 23, 2023 that, “It has been a ‘very difficult year,’ … one made more painful by the continuing exodus of the young, families and professionals fleeing Cuba’s hopelessness and desperation.” There is a lack of food and medicine. “According to the Cuba Observatory of Human Rights, 88% of Cuban families live on less than two dollars a day.”

Pastor Rolando and Yolanda told us that it is amazing to see how the children’s faces light up when they give them a toy. Most of them don’t have any toys, or the ones they have are old and broken.

Hannah’s Juguetes de Esperanza (Toys of Hope)
Some of the children that have received toys

When Dawn first heard about the idea of honoring Hannah’s memory in this way she began to cry. It touched her heart. I’ve told our boys, Hannah’s brothers, David and Jonathan about it and they also loved the idea. In conversation with Yolanda and Rolando we are thinking about calling the ministry Hannah – Juguetes de Esperanza, which means Hannah’s Toys of Hope.

If Hannah were alive today I know that she would love this, as she always loved children. There’s much that I don’t know about heaven, but it’s possible she may be able to peek back and smile from above. 🙂  I love thinking about that possibility! Hannah would have turned 30 this year on her birthday on April 9th. It feels fitting to start a gospel ministry to bless children with toys for Hannah’s 30th.

We are trying to figure a way to send toys to the Big Island, because we can’t ship items directly from the USA. In the meantime, we’d like to ask you to consider giving a gift to buy a toy. At this time, our only option is to send the money to the pastors so that they can buy the toys on the Big Island. Unfortunately, even a small toy costs $10, which is almost half of a monthly salary.

Extend Your Hands to Help Those in Need

One of the children that we would like to bless with a toy

You can help us honor our daughter, Hannah’s memory and give a toy to bless a child with a donation of $10 or more.

Dawn and I ask you to prayerfully consider extending your hands to help! Send a gift today to help a needy familyand extend the gospel on the Big Island. TOGETHER we can make a difference!

Bless a child with one toy for $10
OR Support one family for as little as $25 a month! Click below to make a donation today.

Click to Donate…

Video: Life and Times on the Big Island

This short video will give you a glimpse into how God is at work on the Big Island. Some of the people who are receiving the aid that we are sending share their thanks at the end of the video. It’s heartwarming to see.

Thank you for joining us in prayer, and for considering making a gift to help our precious familia.

In His Grip, Dave

P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja, and Beyond
* names changed for security