Lessons from Daisy
I took our dog, Daisy on a walk at the beach in the morning. I find that the Lord ministers to me and lifts up my soul when I’m at the beach. Today God taught me a valuable lesson through Daisy.
Daisy and I got towards the end of the beach before we turned around. I took her leash off, and let her run free. She was so happy to be let loose. She started running all around with abandon. It brought a smile to my face, and made me happy as I watched. Her excitement and happiness brought me great joy.
Then as I reflected I thought how much pleasure it gives our Father when we are filled with joy. I think the Lord delights in our joy. He loves to give us good gifts as James 1:17 states.
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”
Our Children Give Us Reason for Joy
He calls us sons and daughters. I thank the Lord for the gift of my grown children, David, Jon and Hannah. All three of them have accomplished much in their school and work that make Dawn and me feel proud. David and Jon have excelled at work and school. Hannah has overcome some huge obstacles and we are so thrilled and proud of her as she starts her discipleship training school – IMPACT 195.
Dawn and I teared up, with tears of joy as Hannah left for her wilderness camping trip earlier this week. She was so happy to be going, we couldn’t but be moved with emotion. Then to watch all the other students and staff cheer them on as they left also moved us.
God’s kids often have a distorted view of him. They see him as a kill-joy, but he takes pleasure in his children. Our joy pleases him.
If watching Daisy and my children gives me joy, I can’t imagine how much more the Lord is moved as he cares for us. Jesus told us that his Father cares for the birds and the lilies of the field, which are relatively insignificant. How much more does he care for us! We are made in his image.
As the first question of the Westminster Catechism asks: What is the chief end of man? To love God and to enjoy him forever. John Piper calls this Christian Hedonism. I suppose it’s the only good form of hedonism.
“Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4)
Join Us in Prayer
Pray that we continue to grow in the Father’s favor and that we daily experience his joy.
Today we are doing a medical outreach in Ensenada with Redeemer Church and Iglesia Nueva Jerusalen (The New Jerusalem). Pray for God’s care and a fruitful day of ministry.
In His Grip, Dave