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Get Ready for VBS in Ensenada!

Skyview Returns!

The group from Skyview with some of the leaders from La Nueva Jerusalén
The group from Skyview in the summer of 2015 with some of the members from La Nueva Jerusalén

This week we are gearing up for the arrival of our friends from Denver, Skyview Presbyterian Church. This is the third summer in a row that they’ve come to work with us, and partner with the church in Ensenada.
The wonderful thing about when a church like Skyview makes a commitment to keep coming back and minister with the people is that they get to know each other. They grow to love each other!
Our dear friends, Petri & Yudy
Our dear friends, Petri & Yudy

I’ve enjoyed observing the relationship, and how it has grown. Tim and Kari Berglund, who lead the trips have developed a very close relationship with Petri and Yudy Petrikowski our leaders in Ensenada. Even though the Petrikowski’s don’t speak English and the Berglund’s aren’t fluent in Spanish they are able to communicate. They use Google translator to help them.
I must say that these computer translation tools have come a long ways. They do a good job and come pretty close to getting the translation right!
Skyview is bringing a group of 10 to work with La Nueva Jerusalén, and one of their mission churches. They will partner together to hold a VBS outreach.

Join Us In Prayer!

Pray for us as we all make our final preparations for the week of outreach, which will start this Saturday, July 23 and go until the following Saturday.
Prayer is always a huge need and greatly appreciated!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Donna Baird
    Posted July 22, 2016 at 5:30 am

    Good Morning ~ it’s exciting to hear about Skyview’s commitment to go to Ensenada for VBS! I don’t know if I told you that V7 didn’t have a women’s retreat last year, but Skyview invited us to come to theirs. Deb, Beth Allen and I went together, and Chery Flores and Louise Riddell went together. It was a lovely weekend. I’ll be praying for a blessed week for you all, and for many children to come to know the Lord.
    V7 just completed their VBS week last week. I still believe it is our biggest evangelical outreach. A total of more than 500 children attended. People are amazed when I tell them that. I say, “It is free day care! And, we get to share the gospel!”
    Well, we are winding down to the wedding. Just about 3 weeks left. I think things are coming together well. You could pray for Chelsea…..a huge adjustment moving to Michigan (gray, cold winters), she is already looking for a job, and will want to pursue being involved with ministry of some sort.
    I will keep you posted about if we have enough room at the reception for David to attend. We’re still receiving RSVPs.
    Looking forward to seeing you soon!
    Love ~ Donna

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted July 22, 2016 at 8:39 am

      Thanks – we are looking forward to seeing you and being with you in a few weeks. A special time!

  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted July 22, 2016 at 5:56 am

    Blessings on the VBS and all involved. May many hearts be won for the Lord.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted July 22, 2016 at 8:40 am

      Thank you and Amen!

  • By Alice
    Posted July 23, 2016 at 1:41 pm

    Can you tell us several items to pray specifically?

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted July 26, 2016 at 10:12 am

      1. That the Word and the message of the gospel would penetrate the hearts of all that come. So far we have 50 in the morning and 33 in the afternoon at two different sites.
      2. Pray that the parents of the children will also come to the presentation on the last day and be open to the gospel as the Lord works in their hearts.
      3. Pray for the health and safety of all those involved.
      4. Pray for Dawn and Hannah as they are back home most of the week, while Hannah is taking her IMPACT 195 class.
      Thanks for praying

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