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Building for Growth: A Church and Home for Verdad y Vida


Overcoming Challenges — Ministering Without a Building
Dawn and Dave with Federico and Blanca

Last December, we joyfully completed and inaugurated the Verdad y Vida (Truth and Life) Church in Mexicali. God answered our prayers by providing Pastor Federico and Blanca Muñoz with a place to hold services on Sundays and minister throughout the week. Before this, they had faithfully gathered in a local park for almost two years, despite Mexicali’s extreme desert temperatures. Their unwavering dedication, even without a building, was inspiring.

Even after the church was built, it wasn’t until August of this year that they could get electricity. They held services in the new building for several months without air conditioning—a significant challenge in the scorching heat. But despite these obstacles, they remained faithful. We thank the Lord for His provision! He is a good God, and worthy of our Praise!

A Pastoral Home for Ministry
From left to right: Daniel, Damaris, Federico, Blanca and David

From the very beginning, our plan also included building a home for the pastor’s family adjacent to the church. In God’s timing, He raised up a church group to fulfill this vision, and by September, the house was finished enough for the Muñoz family to move in. Though some work remains, the home is already easing their financial burden, as they no longer need to pay rent.

Now that the church has air conditioning, it has become a more welcoming and comfortable space for the community. Two young couples with children, whom their son David met through his work, have started attending regularly—even though they live on the opposite side of the city! Other new families have also joined and are growing in their faith, which is exactly why we are so passionate about building churches—so that more people can come to know Jesus Christ.

A Testimony of Faithfulness

Federico and Blanca’s commitment to serve the Lord, even under difficult circumstances, is a powerful testimony to God’s faithfulness. Their example is encouraging to everyone in their congregation.

Join Us In Prayer

While we see God moving in wonderful ways, there is still much to be done. We ask that you join us in prayer for continued growth in this church and for the needs that remain. Pray that these families would deepen their faith and impact others for Christ. One of their most pressing needs is a dedicated children’s classroom, and we ask for your prayers that God will provide the resources to make this a reality.

Extend Your Hands to Help!
The group that helped to build Verdad y Vida Church in front of the new building!

Dawn and I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider making a donation today! Our current goal is to raise $3,000 to build a classroom for the children’s ministry. We are working towards our goal and fulfilling this God-given vision that will have a lasting impact on Mexicali for generations to come.

Your contribution, no matter the size, will play a crucial role for the children in Verdad y Vida Church creating a lasting and positive influence to learn, grow, and experience God’s love. Together, let’s make this vision a reality.

Make a Donation Today.

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Video: Verdad & Vida – Bringing the Truth and Life to Mexicali

Our missionary team member, Jim DeWitt helped me put together this video to give you a glimpse of what God is doing in Mexicali.

God is Building His Church in Mexicali!

In His Grip, Dave

P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond


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