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All Aboard in Ensenada

The Beauty of Ensenada!

A view of Ensenada at night
A view of Ensenada at night

Ensenada is a beautiful port city in Mexico. It’s about 70 miles South of the border. This week we’ve grown to know the beauty of the city and the people. Skyview Presbyterian from Denver, Colorado has been in this city all week loving on and encouraging the people.
It’s wonderful to see people from different cultures and languages come together to serve the Lord.

God Comes Through Again!

VBS at the Nueva Jerusalén church in Ensenada
VBS at the Nueva Jerusalén church in Ensenada

Iglesia La Nueva Jerusalén (The New Jerusalem Church) has worked side by side with Skyview all week-long. Over 50 children have shown up for VBS.
One of the participants from Skyview said he didn’t feel like they were helping very much. Then a friend from the New Jerusalem Church said that the church didn’t hold VBS last year, so that Skyview’s presence gave them the boost they needed to get it done.
Many smiles and happy sounds are seen and heard around the church this week. The church is reaching children from families that aren’t part of the church. We pray that some of these families will soon come to Christ.

The Value of Short-term Groups

The Skyview group at the New Jerusalem church in Ensenada
The Skyview group at the New Jerusalem church in Ensenada

Dawn and I love short-term mission projects for a number of reasons. God used short-term mission trips to call both of us into missions, so we personally have benefited from them. We know God can use a trip like this to grab a person’s heart and change it forever for the good of his kingdom work.
When these trips are done well, they can also be a tremendous encouragement to the church receiving the team from the U.S.

The Lord is Opening Doors for Ministry Expansion

Our prayer is that the New Jerusalem church will grow to be even healthier and strong, and that we will be able to partner to see new churches planted in Ensenada. We already have some missionary candidates interested in serving here. The local church also has a vision for church planting.
Everything in Mexico happens through relationships, so trips like this are key to building and strengthening our relationship.

Enjoying fellowship in one of the house church groups
Enjoying fellowship in one of the house church groups

Our friends will head by to Denver tomorrow evening, but the work here continues. They will have left with new friendships and having strengthened and encouraged the church here as well as our missionary work.
We give thanks to the Lord for the work he is doing here and his faithfulness!
Thanks for praying for God’s care and the advance of the kingdom.
In His Grip, Dave
P.S. Please continue to pray for Pastor Leo and his wife, Gloria. He is in the hospital waiting for surgery to remove the cancer in his kidney.