God is Changing Lives on the Big Island!

I just met with our church planters on the Big Island, and it was so good to hear their testimonies and celebrate with them all that the Lord is doing. When we meet I always leave our meetings encouraged and uplifted. One of the pastoral families is gifted musically, and they led us in a time of praise. The music was beautiful and we had a wonderful time together.
They also shared with me some testimonies and how God has used them this past year. They shared the gospel with 4,654 people and 2,383 came to Christ. Aid for food and basic needs was given to 844 people regularly through the monthly gifts that we are sending, because of the generous donations you are making.
Marco and Yolanda’s Testimony

Pastor Marco* and his wife Yolanda* shared this encouraging testimony with me. I translated it from Spanish, and I tried to maintain the intent of their hearts.
“2023 was a year of triumphs and victories for our church and ministries. God allowed us to achieve new goals and extend his kingdom further, but we cannot forget that each of the results obtained has been a product of the sacrifice and collaboration of all our brothers and sisters in Christ, sponsors, pastors, leaders, and servants of God, who strived all long year to bless the work of God on the Big Island. It’s with extreme gratitude in our hearts that we share with you some of these results for the glory of our God.
Among the achievements that we accomplished ministerially is the satisfactory community work we carried out with Christian and unconverted families, helping them with food, hygiene products, and financial offerings. These actions allowed us to share the gospel with many members of mixed families, made up of believers and non-Christians. We did evangelism in homes, with professions of faith and testimonies of God’s wonderful work.
We are also involved with missionary work, helping leaders and families in these new fields. This allows us the opportunity to increase missionary work and be able to expand. We opened 2 new missions this year and three leaders came out to the field to work and to water the seed of the gospel.

We held the opportunity to hold a beautiful summer school (VBS), where we were able to minister to a large number of children and preach the gospel to them. The children were blessed with gifts and candy which we acquired thanks to your donations.
Our church was also blessed by your sacrifices, beloved brothers since we were able to purchase equipment to enrich the local work. For example, we purchased a printer for the ministry work and thus avoided printing costs. We were also able to buy a fan for the worship area, which is a tremendous help because it is so hot here.
The pastoral family expresses our gratitude for a whole year in which all of you beloved brothers in Christ cared for us, loved us, and prayed for our needs. Thank you very much from my entire family to each one of you servants of Jesus Christ.”
Extend Your Hands to Make a Difference.

Your contributions and prayers are going a long way and making a difference in the lives of Pastor Marco and Yolando, their church, and many others like them on the Big Island.
Dawn and I ask you to prayerfully consider extending your hands to help! Send a gift today to help a needy family, and extend the gospel on the Big Island. TOGETHER we can make a difference!
Support one family for as little as $25 a month! Click below to make a donation today.

Video: Life and Times on the Big Island
This short video will give you a glimpse into how God is at work on the Big Island. Some of the people who are receiving the aid that we are sending share their thanks at the end of the video. It’s heartwarming to see.
Thank you for joining us in prayer, and for considering making a gift to help our precious familia.
In His Grip, Dave
P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja, and Beyond
* names changed for security