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There is Joy in the Church

Pastor Daniel Nuñez & Pastor Ivan Casados
Pastor Daniel Nuñez & Pastor Ivan Casados

Today we head back down to Tijuana to finish the church building that we started last week. Our group from Harbor is about the same size this week, 40 people.
I talked to pastor Ivan on Friday and he was joyful. I asked him if they were ready for us, and he assured me that they were more than ready. It put a smile on my face to hear his excitement.
We build the church on the rock, which is Christ our Lord!
What a wonderful time of year to see the church grow as we celebrate the resurrection. Pastor Ivan is planning on having their inaugural service on Palm Sunday. Dawn and I hope to be there to celebrate with them.

The 20th Church for Lo Mejor del Trigo!

Before and after with the whole group in front of the church before we left
Before and after with the whole group in front of the church before we left last Saturday

This is the third church that Harbor and Lo Mejor del Trigo have planted together. It’s the 20th church for Lo Mejor del Trigo. Pastor Daniel Nuñez’s vision is to plant 50 churches in his lifetime. I think he might exceed that, although he tells me that the Lord told him 50. It will be fun to see God provide and to be involved in helping his church grow.
Pray for a good day in Valle Verde. Lord protect us, and to give everyone a wonderful experience. We’d all love a short wait crossing back into the States at the border!
Thanks for joining us on this journey.
In His Grip, Dave


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